13. The CuWei

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A new type of police force, the guardian alliance came and transported Quake and his siblings to a special detention cell for metahumans.

"That runt isn't going to call me back .... Ken could've at least called.... Boys will be boys I guess." Lynx

Lynx helps things get into order on the bridge after Quake causes some mayhem and gets an emergency message from an ally, Stacey Colton.

"Lynx, do you read?" Stacey

"Loud and clear. What's up?" Lynx

"An S.O.S. has been received from Global 1. It's being overrun by an unknown enemy." Stacey

Global 1 is a satellite station in space just above earths orbit.

"Isn't Global 1 the same satellite that was just finished built a couple of days ago? What about the people stationed on it?" Lynx

"No word after the S.O.S. which is why we should act now. Your transport should be in sight by now." Stacey

Lynx looks over in the distance and spots an alliance jet heading in her direction. It comes to a stop directly above her, Lynx jumps to an open hatch, as the hatch closes she sits in the co pilot seat where she meats her pilot Samuel King code named, Road Burn. Road Burn wears a baseball type long sleeve, the body of the shirt is yellow, the sleeves and the pants he wears is colored black and his hair is a dirty orange color. Road Burn then takes off towards Global 1.

"Nice ride R.B.!" Lynx

"Aye ain't she a beaut? I call her A.J. for Action Jet. Nuff said!" Road Burn

"Hey guys, I've got a live feed from our new guests. Pulling it up now." Stacey

Stacey popped up on the dashboard screen to show Lynx and Road Burn what they are up against. The screen changes to show a man with yellow skin, green armor and eyes clad in white.

"I am Ocalt of the CuWei (Coo-Way) empire!! I have conquered your orbital vessel with the up most ease! This is but a stepping stone for next, I shall conquer the planet known as earth. Your leaders have but 5 of your earth minutes to comply or I will unleash the weapon hidden in this vessel upon your planet!! You decide your fate!... Victory be the CuWei!" Ocalt says just before the transmission ends.

"Wonder how long it took them to come up with that slogan?" Road Burn

"Stacey get Power Surge up here. I have a feeling we'll need him in about 5 minutes." Lynx

"On it! Good luck guys." Stacey says ending communication.

The satellite, Global 1 came into view. An enormous structure orbiting the planet now being used against it. A large cannon is directed towards the earth and in less than 5 minutes it will fire. Lynx spots the CuWei ship that Ocalt and company traveled in in the docking area.

"Hey Sam, that ship looks pretty expensive doesn't it?" Lynx

"I can fix that!" Road Burn

Road Burn presses a button on the steering wheel which caused a few missiles to fire after the CuWei ship. They all explode on contact causing the craft to loosen up and drift out of the docking area. Road Burn then docks in its place where a small group of CuWei soldiers has their guns pointed at the entrance. The hatch door slowly opens, the soldiers did not see anyone, they feel a slight breeze blow by them but keep their eyes on the entrance.

"Now where are you looking boyos?" Road Burn says from behind of the CuWei soldiers.

The soldiers turn to see Road Burn standing behind of them. As quick as they can they take aim at Road Burn, but before they can put their fingers on the trigger the CuWei soldiers find that their weapons are no longer in their possession. Rather they are now at the feet of Road Burn.

"To slow lads! Also, you might want to cover your ears." Road Burns says as he speeds off to the side out of sight.

Not a moment later did Lynx take a deep breathe and let out a high pitched roar of Jaguar origin. The soldiers attempt to cover their ears from the pain but collapse in the process. Lynx walks onto the satellite and Road Burn speeds back.

"Phew! Even behind a closed reinforced door I can still hear every note!" Road Burn

"My bad, but we better get moving. We should only have about 3 minutes left." Lynx

Before anything more was said and done the metal beneath their feet began to shake in rhythm. Something was walking towards them from around the corner. A large creature wearing the CuWei armor, same colored skin, an enormous tail wavering has it's sights set on Lynx and Road Burn. It let's out a large roar to intimidate its prey.

"OI! Say it don't spray it gruesome!" Road Burn

"Road Burn! Go find Ocalt and stop the weapon!.... This chew toy belongs to me." Lynx says with a seductive smile.

"Ma'am yes ma'am!" Road Burn says then speeds off to the objective.

The creature took a couple of steps forward then roars for a second time.

"You're pretty eager to get started.... Let's just hope you don't break easy!" Lynx

Guardian Alliance Book #1Where stories live. Discover now