21. Intake

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A large Guardian Alliance cargo ship traveled up to the Global 1 satellite and was loaded with all of the defeated CuWei soldiers including Ocalt. As it departs the satellite it is accompanied by Lynx, Road Burn and Power Surge inside of the Action Jet.

"Man am I hungry!" Power Surge

"I've heard this song before." Lynx

"You know you want to sing along there." Road Burn

"Hardy har... You guys want me to whip something up?" Lynx

"Heck yeah!" Power Surge

"I thought you'd never ask." Road Burn

"Count me in!" Stacey says over the coms in the jet.

"Still waiting for you 3 to cook for me..." Lynx

They guide the cargo ship to what used to be the Staten Island boat graveyard now known as Lockdown. A massive 3 story structure ment to house metahumans. The moment the cargo ship lands on the roof of the building, a screen pops up on the Jet's console showing Stacey.

"Sorry guys but something just came up. Reports show of a man in yellow skin causing a riot at the Washington Square Park." Stacey

"Awe mehn!" Power Surge

"Sorry kid, duty calls!" Lynx

Road Burn then steers A.J. towards the objective. Upon their arrival they spot the man in yellow near the Washington Square Arch.

"Finally!" Says the yellow man as he spot the jet.

Power Surge flies out of the jet before Road Burn lands it a good distance away, Lynx leaps out towards the man in yellow's direction and Road Burn speeds his way next to Lynx.

"Took you brats long enough! I thought I was going to starve!" Yellow man

"Soooo what's that got to do with us exactly?" Road Burn

"Well I got bored of taking energy from those normal bystanders over there who I would call pickney appetizers and got in the mood for something mouth watering!" The man in yellow says pointing over at a grassy area.

The 3 glance over to where he points and notice a large amount of people laying unconscious.

"Road Burn!" Lynx

Road Burn uses his speed to make his way over to the collapsed people and examines them.

"They're alive!... Barely." Road Burn

Lynx let out a breath of relief. Her expression changes to anger the moment she directed her gaze at the man in yellow.

"They didn't taste all that but I'm sure you'll satisfy my hunger." Yellow man

"I've had just about enough of you!" Power Surge says then lunges forward.

"Power Surge wait!" Lynx

As Power Surge got within striking distance he winds up his left arm and throws a punch. The man in yellow grins, swiftly dodges the attack and grabs Power Surge by the back of his head. Instantly Power Surge felt himself getting weaker by the second.

"What the?... So fast!..." Power Surge

"Did you know that if I absorb enough average normals I can use all of their senses combined? Well if you didn't know.... Hahaha!!... By the way, the name's Intake! Pleasure! Hahaha!!" Intake

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