30. Rough Day

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"Hey, you hear about the fire in Briarwood? And what about that sudden ice storm that kid brewed up?" Jarred asks Allana from the passenger seat of their vehicle in motion.

"Yeah. Some freaky stuff went down. I'll get the details later but right now I'm starving. Where are we eating?" Allana

"Depends on what your picky stomach wants." Jarred

"Well since we're on 8th Ave how about Church's chicken?" Allana

"As long as your mind's made up." Jarred

Allana pulls in but the moment they both get out of the car something crashes on the vehicle indenting the roof. Both Allana and Jarred turn to see a creature with a bronze gold male body, one large blade implanted on each of its forearms, a tail with a miniature version of the larger blades attached to it, a helmet covering the top half of its head and black bandages covering the mouth region.

"Seriously? Today?!" Allana said irritatingly.

"At least it was the company the car." Jarred said looking at the bright side.

His optimism made a quick U turn the second another one of those creatures lands on the car behind of him

"Great...." Jarred

The first one swung its tail after Allana, she quickly leans back into a back flip dodging the sudden attack and quickly draws out both her handguns.

"I knew I should've stretched this morning." Allana

The creature leaped for Allana with its blades up front, Allana raised both gun up in front of her face so that they're vertically parallel to one another and stopped the creature's attack in its tracks.

"Who or what are you?!" Allana

"These are my newest toys. I call them Nin-Droids. You like?" Responds a voice coming from the creature itself.

Allana and Jarred immediately recognized the voice.

"What the hell do you want?!" Allana

"Oh now don't be like that baby girl. I'm just checking in is all." Unknown voice

"You're one of the last voices I want to hear in this lifetime." Allana

"That's to bad, cause its going to take everything you have and then some to get rid of me." Unknown Voice

Allana then pushes the Nin-Droid back creating some distance and aims both of her guns.

"Don't tempt me old man!" Allana said in response to the voice then immediately began unloading her guns.

The Nin-Droid easily dodged each bullet until Allana stopped firing.

"Crud. Out a bullets." Allana

The Nin-Droid quickly rushed back after Allana with its blades slashing in formation but Allana would block each strike with the barrels of her guns.

"I! Am! So! Not! In! The! Mood! For! This!" Allana

Allana was matching the Nin-Droid's speed but the Nin-Droid uses its tail to wrap around one of Allana's arms immobilizing it. It would then place both of its blades at Allana's throat ceasing all movements.

"Funny thing about my guns...." Allana

Another bullet would fly from Allana's second gun which is pointed upwards at the Nin-Droid's chin and through the skull. The Nin'Droid's body immediately collapses to the ground becoming lifeless.

"Bullets?... Not really an issue." Allana

Allana then looks over to see Jarred sitting on the hood of the caved in car, an army knife in his right hand and another spinning in his left hand.

Guardian Alliance Book #1Where stories live. Discover now