5. Royal Mutilation

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"You!! You're that Sigma The Demon Hunter character I've heard about aren't you?!" The reptile woman asked with authority.

"Yes I am Sigma but I do not recall saying I was a demon hunter.. Didn't one of you already label me as a one man army?.. I do like the title though." Sigma said with his hand on his chin and the other resting on his sheathed swords.

"Whatever you're called or labelled I won't forgive you for cutting my Moochi!!" The reptile said.

Hm? Cutting you say? With what? I haven't drawn my swords yet." Sigma said looking down at his swords.

She turns to Moochi and notices that there isn't any kind of cut mark on his face, but there is an indent of some kind.

"Is that a... Footprint?!" The reptile woman asked out of disbelief.

"A size 13 to be exact." Sigma said.

"Why you.... Moochi!! Get up!! Teach him not to defy me!!" She ordered.

The creature grunted as it took each deep breath, slowly made it to its feet back onto the island, shook off the impact to the head and set its sight on Sigma.

"Before you continue I must inform you that that stomp was a warning and that the next one, will be the kill shot." Sigma said giving them a friendly warning.

Yet the reptile didn't tell her pet to back down and kept their mindset.

The creature began to move towards Sigma at a slow and steady pace. It seams to be sizing him up to see if he will make any sudden moves. Sigma kept his stance steady and firm with no sign of flinching.

"What are you waiting for Moochi get him!!" Yelled an impatient reptile as she stomps the ground a couple of times.

As Moochi stalks its prey his entire body from its head to the feet and tail began to slowly wobble and his vision begins to slowly move out of focus. The hind legs were the first to give away the moment the creature came to the feet of the Statue of Liberty. It wasn't long after until the giant sea horse finally collapsed on its side.

"M-M-Moochi?!?!" She said as she gazes at her pet and companion in confusion.

"Well that was dragged out." Sigma said looking at the collapsed creature.

"You.. Useless , worthless piece of filth!! I must take matters into my own hands now! I hope you are happy!" Said the reptile woman as she carefully removes her dress revealing scaled body.

"You should be privileged! I do not reveal my glorious body for anyone but this just seems to be a special occasion." She said as she strikes a pose.

Sigma didn't respond but rather kept quiet in this, awkward matter.

"I assure you, there is nothing 'privileged' about having the body of a thin and extremely fragile cutting board." Sigma suddenly heard Moeru Joo's voice say via telepathy.

"Pfft! hehe!" Sigma reacted by quickly covering his mouth in order to prevent his laughter from sounding off, but either way the reptile didn't take it as a compliment.

"How dare you mock me.. You're just like them... All of them..." The reptile said under her breathe.

Anger consumed her as the reptile gets lost in her memories from her homeland. Everyone laughing, making fun of her and showing nothing but disrespect. Without warning the nails on her fingers that were the length of her hands grew doubled in size, so did her teeth and limbs.

"I'll kill you.... I'll kill you all!!!" She yelled just before she begins to run towards Sigma.

She ran with superhuman speed and arrived at the statue's feet within seconds. She leaped up, appeared in Sigma's face and swung her right hand with the intent of slicing him into separate pieces.

"Die!!!" She yelled just before her claws arrive within centimeters of making contact.

As she fully swings her hand she quickly notices that she swung at nothing. She looks around but can't seem to find her target in sight. As she landed at the feet of the Statue of Liberty she immediately looks up to see Sigma in the air with his front facing downward at her.

"You.. Just how fast are you?!" She asked just before she leaps up into the air after him.

Sigma placed his hand on the crimson blade Moeru Joo, landed against Lady Liberty, waited for gravity to kick in and leaped downwards after the reptile.

"Demonic gate.." Sigma began to say in mid decent.

"I'll make an example out of you!!!" She said as she stretched out her hand in front of her.

As they got closer the reptile began to slowly notice small streaks of wind forming around Sigma. As Sigma got within a hairs reach he draws his sword at a speed so extreme that his opponent didn't see it coming and at the same time she felt herself being pushed to the side by the flow of the wind.

"Storm Hawk!" Sigma said as he plowed past his reptile opponent with his sword pointed out in a upward diagonal position.

The reptile was deflected off of her collision course and was cut clean in 2 from her lower right side all the way up and across to her left shoulder. The blood would splatter seconds later and her eyes rolled back so far that the only color shown was white. Sigma landed on the ground just below the feet of the statue, spins his sword a couple of cycles, glides the blade over the mouth of the sheath from the hilt and sheaths it as he arrived at the blade's point. The 2 halves of the body fell to the ground in the distance soon after.

"I warned you that the next one would be the kill. Now, what am I going to do with you?" Sigma said as he glanced over at the collapsed creature.

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