39. A Sudden Twist

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Sky is currently exchanging heavy fire with his chosen opponent Hunter. Hunter is a high classed bounty hunter, as the name suggests, but only targets high classed bounties and basically loves the thrill. They both take cover and reload their guns.

"Hey Colton! How long has it been since we shot at each other?!" Hunter asks as he fires a couple of shots.

"Good question! Two months maybe?!" Sky says then fires a couple of shots back.

"Really?! That long?!" Hunter asks returning fire.

"Roughly yeah!" Sky says also returning fire.

"We've been getting busy lately eh?!" Hunter says running from his current cover just after he tosses a canister over towards Sky.

"Yeah tell me about it!" Sky

Sky quickly dives out from his cover, takes aim and shoots the canister that was thrown witch in turn explodes on impact. Sky rolls to his feet and gives chase to Hunter. Meanwhile, Insight is currently taking cover from the barrage of bullets from the android behind a vehicle.

"Why am I always stuck with heavy artillery types?" Insight

She then aims her bow and arrow up at a slight angle and fires it. The android looks up at the arrow and aims his rifle arm after it but before he was able to fire, the arrow goes off as a flash bang. The android gets affected witch gives Insight her openening. She runs out from her cover, pulls out three arrows from her quiver, fires one that lands at the android's feet then fires the remaining two after the android itself. Its sight quickly refocuses, its arms transforms back to hands and it catches the arrows with each hands.

"Bang, bang!" Insight says in a playful tone.

The arrows that the android caught suddenly blew up in sequence. Yet once the smoke clears the android remains unfazed. Seconds later the first arrow that Insight fired at the android's feet activated and began to emit a series of sonic blasts. The blasts forces the android back a few feet, but the android catches its balance and stands its ground. The android slowly makes jys way towards the arrow fighting its way through the sonic blasts, smashes the arrow with its foot and immediately looks for the target. The android looks up to notice a few arrows raining from above, raises its arms witch changes back to gun forms and begins to fire. Before the bullets make contact, the arrows separate into smaller arrows, avoids the bullets and begins to stab into the android. During that process Insight shoots another arrow into its chest and the arrow wasted no time in discharging electricity. Not only does the android get electrified, it gets pierced in nearly every part of its body and begins to malfunction. I'm the end the android powers down and falls to the ground.

"Well that was fun...." Insight

Sky chases Hunter into an alley where he loses sight of him. Sky takes his time walking down the alley keeping his guard up. Another grenade was suddenly flung out from behind the furthest dumpster, Sky reacts by shooting the grenade and simultaneously diving behind the nearest cover. The grenade goes off and Sky waits for the smoke to clear before he makes another move. He gets up and points his gun down the alley.

"What's the matter Hunter?! You're not the hide and seek type!" Sky

A shot was then fired from above and Sky was able to react by moving his head to the side witch allowed him to escape with just a scrape along his cheek from the bullet. Sky looks up to see that Hunter has a gun aimed down directly at him. Hunter fires a few more shots, Sky dodges them as he presses himself against the building and hides under the fire escape.

"Dam he's quick..." Sky says as he makes his way for the ladder.

Sky quickly climbs the ladder but carefully moves up. Hunter fires a few shots hitting the metal near Sky but that doesn't slow his movement. Hunter reloads his gun and gets ready. He reaches over with his gun first only to end up with a gun aiming directly in his eye.

"Dam you're quick!" Hunter

"Heh! I guess we still got it." Sky

"With that being said.... How's about we settle this with a good ol fashion stand off?" Hunter

"You do realize that you only suggest that when you're about to lose or have already lost right?" Sky

"And you do realize that YOU have yet to decline my challenge right?" Hunter

"..... *sigh*..... One bullet one chance." Sky says lowering his gun.

"See? You love yourself a good thrill! Its that exact quality that makes you and I alike. Its just to similar to my thrill of the hunt!" Hunter says as he unloads his gun but leaves in a single bullet.

"Yeah yeah we're like two peas in a very big pod. Just get over there." Sky says doing the same.

They both face each other with a small amount of distance in between, hands hovering over their holstered guns and Hunter has a coin in his other hand ready to flip.

"You ready?" Hunter

"And waiting!" Sky

Hunter then flips the coin and they both wait for it to drop. The coin flips but both Sky and Hunter kept their eyes locked on one another. The coin hits the ground, they both simultaneously draw their weapons, aim and pull the trigger. Each bullet ends up hitting the opposing gun witch ends up disarming both gunmen.

"Well it looks like someone's been practicing." Sky

"Haha! Yeah well just trying to keep up is all!" Hunter

"Heheh! Yeah well its either that or.... You ain't Hunter." Sky says as he pulls out another gun and quickly aims it.

"Whoa whoa there! Let's not be to hasty now! What are you talking about?!" Hunter

Without warning Sky pulls the trigger and fires a single shot. Before the bullet hits its target it stops in midair right in front of Hunter. For a moment there was silence and all that was heard were the echoes from the gun shot. Then, out of the blue Hunter begins to laugh hysterically and it would escalate.

"Yeah I thought as much. Now who or what are you?" Sky

The laughter changes tone from masculine straight to feminine. The body shape, size and skin tone morphs as well revealing a pale skin toned woman in a black sparkled dress with long black hair and bright yellow eyes. The bullet drops to the ground once the change is complete.

"Hahaha! You are an interesting one indeed! I like interesting men~. My name is Morgana. Do not worry mortal I am not here to eradicate you. I am simply here to keep you occupied and I plan to deliver on those orders." Morgana

"Good to know. Who's orders exactly?" Sky

"That is not important right now but I will tell you this... That android that accompanied me is no ordinary piece of machinery." Morgana

Sky's expression changes and he gave out a sense of urgency. He turns around in order to run towards Insight but a large number of Nindroids appear out of thin air due to Morgana's sorcery.

"My you truly are a quick learner but it's like I said.... I will make due on my order given." Morgana

Over to where Insight and the android faced off. There are arrows all around the ground, the android itself is completely repaired and is currently holding up insight by her neck who does her best to get loose but fails in all attempts.

"The archer... Will die on this day." Morgana says as she stares into Sky's eyes witch are filling with desperation by the second.

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