44. Showmanship Of Power

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The area surrounding Sigma and Ryuuga is covered in a mixture of fire and ice. This time however, the ice is showing small signs of perspiration.

"Sub Zero: Frozen Tundra!" Ryuuga says raising his sword above his head.

A multiple number of ice shards began to form from thin air all around Ryuuga. He then brings his sword down in front of him, the shards of ice point their edges after Sigma and they shoot straight for him. Sigma reacts by jumping straight up into the air and stretching his arm across his body with his sword pointing out. The shards that makes contact with the roof would freeze the entire rooftop as a result.

"You're a fool! How are you suppose to evade me in the air?!" Ryuuga asks then sends more ice shards straight up after Sigma.

"Demonic Gate: Storm Hawk." Sigma

The ice shards get in close but are immediately redirected away from Sigma. The wind begins building up to a great degree in witch it appears that Sigma bends the wind to his will. The wind around Sigma ignites creating a fire funnel and Ryuuga reacts by leaping backwards towards rhe other edge of the rooftop. Sigma lands at the center of the roof and the flames around him instantly spreads across the rooftop in all directions.

"What?!" Ryuuga says noticing that the flames are nearly upon him.

Ryuuga leaps back off of the rooftop in attempts to avoid the oncoming flames but quickly realizes that the flames are getting closer.

"It's still coming?!" Ryuuga

The second Ryuuga lands on the nearest building he dives away from the oncoming flames. The buildimg Ryuuga is currently on is the same height as the previous building he was on so the moment he gets to his feet he sees Sigma surrounded by his raging fire. As he Ryuuga glares he notices something forming out of the fire around Sigma's body. To Ryuuga, Sigma looks like he has taken the form of a demon like creature. That is until Ryuuga blinks and the demonic flame form vanishes. Ryuuga couldn't believe what he had seen and is Ironically frozen in thought.

"What... Are you?" Ryuuga

"Ryuuuugaaa~." A ghostly voice suddenly appears near Ryuuga.

"Huh?" Ryuuga reacts by turning his head but doesn't see anyone around him.

"Ryuuuugaa~." The voice repeats.

"Who is that?!... Show yourself!" Ryuuga says as he turns around repeatedly.

Sigma looks on in confusion.

"He has quite the situation my king." Moeru Joo says appearing out of the flames.

"It must be quite serious if it brings out your human form. What's wrong with him?" Sigma

"I can hear it.... That proves that his training isn't finished." Moeru Joo

"Weakling~. You're afraid!~. Scared~." Ghostly voice

"Who are you!!" Ryuuga

"You know who I am." The voice behind of Ryuuga said.

Ryuuga instantly feels an icey chill overwhelm his body and is unable to move. Sigma and Moeru Joo suddenly notices the appearence of a man out of thin air similar to Moeru Joo's entrance. The man has icey blue hair, pale white skin, no shirt, shorts and has white eyes.

"You've always known who I am. Not to mention... I am currently in that left hand of yours." The mysterious man

"Is he who I think he is?" Sigma

"Yes... That is Ryuuga's Manifest." Moeru Joo

The Manifest casually walks up and stands in front of Ryuuga. Ryuuga's body suddenly begins to be slowly encased in ice from the feet up.

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