11. The Agile Feline

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"Somebody help!! Please help me!!" Cried a woman trapped in her car which is hanging half way off of the Brooklyn State Bridge.

A car accident transpired at the center of the bridge leaving many wounded. Immediate response teams are on the scene but are unable to hear her because the crash involved multiple cars piling around the center, her windows are jammed shut and no one was near to hear her cries for help.

"Please somebody!! Anybody!!" She said as she cries out in another attempt of being heard.

She bangs on her wind shield but it had no effect. Her car begins to fall backwards and she starts to panic much more.

"No no no no! Please, please noo!!!" She screamed one last time before lowering her head and grasping onto the wheel.

The vehicle came to a complete vertical position upon its decent, the woman felt her heart in her throat, her adrenaline spiked to new heights, at this rate she may die before she arrives halfway down and as she closes her eyes the life that she lived begins to flash before her.

"Oh God help me." She said keeping her head down.

"Hey! Buckle up wouldya?" A voice said.

The female in the car opened her eyes, slowly raised her head and noticed that her car has stopped its decent.

"Seatbelt!" Said the voice again.

She looked up at the hood of her car to notice that the voice came from a girl with her fingers dug into the side of the bridge. She has on a black sleeveless skin tight top that covers her chest and upper abdomen leaving her stomach revealed, long black sweat pants cover her lower body and a purple vertical Stripe is shown on her black top and bottom over her left chest and leg, She wears a black pair of shades and has long black hair.

"I can do this all day but I'd rather not." She says once again.

Once the female in the car finally snaps out of it she slowly buckles her seatbelt.

"Good.. Now, hands at 10 and 2." The young girl said to the female in the car.

It took a bit until she realized that she had to place her hands on the wheel.

"Now we're getting somewhere." She says as she looks up at the bridge.

With one easy effort she flung herself and the female in the car upwards and landed on the bridge with the car holding over head. Everyone turned their attention to her as she walks over and places the car down in front of an ambulance.

"Oh and I don't know about God but, you can call me Lynx." Lynx says as she pries the driver side door open.

Before anyone could react, the ground beneath their feet began to shake. Lynx then looks over the cars and towards the center of the bridge to notice a familiar face.

"Of course its you. Everyone get back!!" Lynx says before she leaps into the air and lands near the center of the bridge.

The shaking ceased upon her landing.

"Lynx? Heh! That you babe?!" Said the person that Lynx spotted.

"What're you up to Quake? And where's the rest of your family?" Lynx asks.

Quake stands at 6'4", large muscular figure, no shirt, wears a white basketball type pants, and has on a pair of green and white converse sneakers.

"Just shaking things up a bit to get your attention babe! As for the fam.." Quake said.

From over the left side of the bridge a large water spout rose up with a boy standing on top of it. He wears a blue T shirt with a white cartoon like fish design at the center, navy blue swim drunks and a red head band. From the sky above towards the right side of the bridge a young female slowly descends. She wears a gray long sleeve dress shirt and has long blonde hair flowing in the wind.

"Ask and they shall appear babe!" Quake said.

"Well well, fancy meeting you here yo!" Said the boy on the waterspout, Tsunami.

"Lord knows I'm going to enjoy this here payback!" Said the girl floating in the air, Breeze.

"Quake the rebel, Tsunami the kid and Breeze the hurricane. Nice entrances and all but could you do me a favor and give up? You might regret it if you don't." Lynx said.

"Hahaha! That's Lynx babe for ya! I like a chick with confidence ya know! How about joining our side Lynx babe? I bet you'll have tons of fun!" Quake said.

"Thanks for the offer but I like my side. I'm very satisfied with kicking all 3 of your butts at once." Lynx responded.

"Grrr.. Enough with the chit chat!!" Breeze said.

Breeze then formed a numerous amount of needle shaped wind constructs around her, aimed each end towards Lynx and launched them after her. Lynx reacted with multiple back flips to avoid each wind needle's impact and she ended her flips right behind of a car that wasn't to far. The second that Breeze ended her assault, Lynx leaned the vehicle towards its side and launched it up after Breeze. She reacts by summoning a large gust of wind strong enough to stop the vehicle in its tracks. Breeze was going to send the car directly back in the direction it came from but there was a surprise awaiting her on the belly of the car itself. The car slowly spun to where its underbelly faced Breeze, her expression turned to shock when she saw Lynx clinging to the car's underbelly, she smiled then leaps after Breeze. Lynx punches Breeze's stomach which in turn knocks her out in no time at all causing Breeze to fall on top of a car. Lynx safely lands on her feet in front of the car that Breeze is napping on.

"Well now that was disappointing." Lynx said.

"How about you try me on for size yo!" Tsunami said.

Tsunami sticks out his hands towards Lynx with his palms showing, forms a water ball 3 times the size of his own hand and fires it after Lynx. Lynx retaliates with a single clap reinforced with tremendous strength behind it, launching a shockwave that cuts through the water ball and makes contact with Tsunami. It causes him to fall and bounce off of a car onto the concrete.

"And he's out!" Lynx says.

Quake wasted no time as he leaps forward after Lynx fist first. Lynx reacted by catching Quake's fist, twisting his arm, forced him to the ground and wrenching his arm behind his back.

"Owowow!! OK.. You win!" Quake said.

"No kidding... This is like what, the 7th time now?" Lynx asks.

"..... Don't rub it in." Quake says full of embarrassment.

"OI! P.S. How's your end?" Lynx asks turning her head.

"Hold that thought sis." Says the person on the other end of a communication device in Lynx's ear.

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