51. Back Up

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Geostep moves back far enough to make sure that he doesn't get caught in the other creature's way.

"Immobilize them." Geostep

They move after Both Sigma and Swift the second the order is given. One creature with tentacles for arms stretches them out after Swift and another creature with a snake like body makes to wrap itself around Sigma. They both jump out of that immediate danger.

"He talks!" Swift

"That's where your attention is?" Sigma

Another creature with five long blades for fingers leaps straight for Sigma in the air. Sigma moves his arms to position his blades behind his back at a diagonal position from his lower right and have them pointing over his left.

"Soaring Blade 7th form: Howling Moon!" Sigma

Sigma spins his body in a 360 before bringing his swords from behind of his back and having them point up at a diagonal once more with them over his left side. The claw creature's blade hands were cut to pieces and two diagonal gap lines appeared on its body from where Sigma swung. A small creature with blades coming out of its spine leaps after Swift. It curls up in a fetal position and spins at a high speed forming a buzzsaw.

"I can definitely use my new toys on you losers!" Swift says putting her kunai away.

She quickly pulls out a thin metal baton from the side of her pouch. It is big enough for her to grab with both hands and she gets in a batting position showing that she is right handed. Swift twists the baton, it suddenly extends into a long bow staff, Swift swings the bow staff and bats the buzzsaw creature away. It crashes into the wall and is stuck in a upside position due to its blades being lodged into the wall.

"Definitely going pro after this!" Swift

Both Sigma and Swift simultaneously land on the ground.

"Hey Sigma! How we handling this?!" Swift

"Swiftly!" Sigma

"Hah! I see what you did there." Swift

Another creature with a large amount of mass and a couple horns on its head begins to move towards Sigma. Sigma places the silver sword in his right hand over his right shoulder, switches his crimson sword in his left hand to a back hand style and has it to his side. The large creature leans forward, gets on all fours, snarls and digs the ground with its hind legs. It then lets out a deep roar and charges after Sigma head first.

"Soaring Blade 6th form: End Of Days!" Sigma

Sigma suddenly disappears from the oncoming creatures sight and reappears a few feet behind of it. The creature stands to its feet and before it new how it happened a multiple number of deep cuts appear all around its body. The creature loses consciousness and collapses to the ground. Another creature with a large serpent body, four wings and three heads fly after Swift. It swoops down with its three mouths open but Swift jumps up out of the collision and lands on the creatures back.

"Yeehaw!!" Swift says as she grabs hold.

"She definitely knows how to have fun in dire situations." Jiyu

"Her innocence has no boundries." Moeru Joo

"I'm just glad that she isn't being trained like I am..." Sigma

Without warning Geostep teleports from where he was standing and appears behind of Sigma. Sigma senses this and instantly swings his silver sword around. Yet he swings at nothing but feels the palm of a hand being pressed against his back.

"What the-" Was the last thing Sigma says just before he vanishes from sight.

"Sigma!!" Swift

Swift uses her staff, knocks each head of the creature she is riding on and renders the creature unconscious. The creature falls from the air, Swift jumps off just before the creature crash lands into a group of its fellow creations and lands on her feet.

Guardian Alliance Book #1Where stories live. Discover now