Chapter Three

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Los Angeles, California-
Jake POV: I run my hands through my hair for maybe the millionth time today. Even though I wasn't on screen anymore, I still felt pressured to look perfect. I always felt pressured to look perfect. I'm hurrying through backstage; trying to get to my dressing room, when I run into the production manager. "Jake, you did great on camera," he says. I smile in response and continue toward my room; my head spinning and my stomach in knots. Only when I step into my room and shut the door do I finally feel at peace. I slump onto my couch and close my eyes; panicking as the reality of everything finally started to set in. I was fucking terrified. My manager had made it seem like this show would be a dream, but I was beginning to think that it would be a nightmare. Why did I ever agree to date twenty one girls all at once? How would I even handle all of them? And I knew what type of girls would come onto this show. They only wanted fame, money and clout. They didn't care about me. I bitterly laugh. "You're worried about the girls? What if no girl even wants to apply," I think to myself. I truly couldn't understand how I was expected to fall in love with someone with all of America watching. It seemed impossible.

Bedford, Michigan-
Erika POV: I wake up smiling. Last night was a dream. After we had gone bowling, Anthony had taken me on a drive to go star gazing. As we stared deep into the sky, everything made sense; everything was perfect. I never wanted anything to change. I huddle into my covers, reliving the night in my head over and over. Suddenly my door opens. It's my mom. "Hey, can we talk?" she asks, sitting on the edge of my bed. I nod. She fiddles with the bed sheet, avoiding directly looking at me. "What's up? Is something wrong," I say as I sit up. She sighs. "I..I got laid off at work." I could feel my heart drop. We could barely afford anything at the moment, what would we do now? I lay back, and try to stop myself from breaking down. She clears her throat. "We have to do something. We can't just live on nothing." "But what could we possibly do," I ask worriedly. "Erika, I have an idea that could get us the money we need. But you won't like it."

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