Chapter Four

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Erika POV: "No, tell me," I say. There wasn't anything in this world I wouldn't do to avoid ending up on the streets. "Do you remember that reality show we were watching yesterday?" She hesitates. "Well, maybe if you went on the show we could get the money we need," she says. Never mind, maybe there was one thing I wouldn't do. "Are you serious," I ask in disbelief. Was she delusional? "See, I knew you wouldn't like it. But think about it Erika; if you got on the show, we would be saved." I shake my head. "There are so many reasons why I don't agree. First of all, it seems like a trash show. All these girls competing for one average looking dude? What's so special about him? Only a self centered, arrogant douche would agree to do this show and I have no interest in him. Second, there's a slim chance that I'll ever be picked. When there's so many Cali girls dying to be on it, why would they pick a nobody from Michigan?" My mom stays silent, considering all that I had said. "I understand what you're saying, Erika. But I think you're wrong. You don't have to go on the show for the boy, you can go on it solely for the money. Charm him as long as you can, then get eliminated before any chance of actual commitment to him. Even if you just made $10,000 we could survive. And believe it or not, you have a high chance of getting picked. The producers want a mix of girls, they don't want all of them to Instagram models from LA." She moves closer to me, and places her bad on mine. "Honey, our situation is disastrous. Can't you at least try and apply? Do it for me. Do it for our family," she pleads. I groan. No part of me wanted to go on this show, but I knew deep down that she was right. The money I made from cheer lessons and waitressing would not be able to support us. And who knew how long it would be before my mom could find another job. "Fine, I guess I'll apply," I say grudgingly. She gives me a loving smile. "Thanks hon. I know that you don't want to do this, and I really appreciate your selflessness." She wraps her arms around me and gives me a tight hug. I try to smile, but I can only think of one thing. What would Anthony think when I tell him about this?

Two Days Later-
Erika POV: I had filled out and sent the application last night. I didn't want to do it, but I virtually had no choice. I comforted myself in the fact that the chances of me actually getting picked were pretty slim. And besides that, a tiny part of me was fascinated by the idea of going to LA. Palm trees, sun, celebrities; Los Angeles was a dream. A far cry from Bedford. At the moment I was waiting for Anthony;
I needed to talk to him about the show. Soon I hear the familiar honking of a big, red truck. I climb into the car and shut the door. "What did you want to talk about?" he immediately asks. I gulp. I was dreading having this conversation with him. "I have to tell you something. And you won't like it." He gives me a puzzled look. "What are you talking about?" I fiddle around. "I applied to be on this reality show. It's like a dating game kind of thing," I blurt out. He frowns. "Why the fuck would you do that." I take a deep breath. "Let me explain. I have no interest in being with the guy I would date, or the show in general. But my mom lost her job, and we have no money. So she thought it would be smart if I tried to get on this show and earn some money. There's no guarantee I'll make it, but if I do we'll at least get $10,000."He shakes his head. "There are so many ways to make money, why would you ever need to do this? If it's money you need, I'll get it for you." "Tony, I could never ask you do that. And I have nine siblings. I literally have to try any way possible to get our lives back on track. You understand right?" He closes his eyes and leans back in his seat. "'s a dating show. The fact that you even applied is a slap in my face, and it's beyond disrespectful to our relationship. You're basically selling yourself out for a couple thousand dollars."

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