Chapter Thirty Seven

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Erika POV: We float through the sky; our hands intertwined and his head resting on my shoulder. Though we were so close, I felt distanced from him. Jake, however, seemed to be at ease; pointing out various sights we passed, rambling on and on about Los Angeles and never letting go of my hand. Suddenly he sits up. "Erika, look to your left." I turn, and gasp. There it was, the Hollywood sign, something I've dreamed about seeing since I was a kid. "Jake, I've always wanted to see the sign, it's wonderful!" My voice drops to a whisper. "I'd never expected to see it in such a grand way." As I stare out, Jake smiles. "Nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy." He motions to the pilot. "Can we stop here for a second?" The helicopter slowly stalls, and Jake grabs both my hands. "So I know we've only known each other for about a month. But each moment I spend with you is unforgettable. And I can hardly believe what I'm about to say... but Erika, I think I'm falling in love you." I feel my eyes widen. "I know you're probably surprised, but when I'm with you I feel things I've never felt before. It's a completely new emotion." He pauses. "I'm sure if you thought about it, you'd realize you feel the same way. So, what do you say?" He looks at me expectantly, and suddenly, all the things I had forgotten about him began to stand out. His Rolex. His Gucci shoes. The Saint Laurent jacket. The helicopter rides, the mansion, the supermodel ex's, the array of sports cars. So different from my life. Maybe no matter how hard I tried, this wasn't the life I was meant to live. I was a small town girl with one too many siblings and a job at Steak and Shake. I didn't deserve to be his girlfriend. "Listen, Jake. This whole thing has been like a dream. But maybe that's all that it is." His smile falters. "What do you mean?" "I mean, we need to face reality. Life isn't going to be like this." He shakes his head. "I know that." "Do you? Do you realize how different we are?" "We can make it work." I look away and he sighs. "So you're not even falling for me?" "It's too soon." He scoffs. "Well I'm sorry for thinking we were more than we really are. You know I've never even come close to loving any girl in my life. And you can't even give me anything in return?" "Well I'm not going to force myself to say something I don't mean." He winces, then moves away from me.

Erika POV: I trudge back into the house;
weary from tonight's date. As I walk past all the girls rooms; I hear sniffling coming from one. Was someone crying? With concern, I crack open the door. To my surprise I find none other than Michelle; huddled under her covers; tissues in hand. I walk to where she lay. "Michelle?" "Get the hell out." I go closer. "What's wrong?" "I said get out." I sit on the edge of the bed. "Please, tell me what's wrong." Turning away from me, she stays silent. After a few minutes, she turns back around. "You. You're what's wrong." "What?" She sits up. "The date I went on with Jake today? All he talked about was you. How excited he was to see you, how he had this whole helicopter thing planned, how he couldn't wait to make you happy." My heart ached. I didn't regret telling him how I felt, but I knew it hurt him. He didn't even look at me for the rest of the date. "He's fallen so hard for you. And I can't help but to think I have no chance." She sniffs. "What do you have that I don't?" I chuckle. "I'm far from perfect, trust me. And our date was basically a disaster." "Really?" "Yeah. Jake and I...well we just aren't on the same page." Michelle looks into my eyes; her expression giving away her clear vulnerability. "Michelle, can you be honest with me?" She nods. "Why do you come after me and the other girls so aggressively?" She sighs. "Honestly? I feel like Jake and I's relationship is surface level. I guess I lash out at others because..." she looks down. "Because I'm jealous I guess." I put a hand on our shoulder. "That's completely natural. But don't worry, we all have problems and issues. Like I would die to have eyelashes like yours." "They're falsies." We laugh. "I get what you mean, though. I guess I'm just used having the guy chase me, and not the other way around," she says. "Michelle, you're a beautiful girl, and I'm sure you have a beautiful heart. Just be civil with the other girls. It'll make this whole thing a lot more fun." She nods. "I know, Erika. I've been nasty, I'm sorry for what I said. I really am." "Totally forgiven." She smiles. "I hope we can get to know each other more." I pat her shoulder. "I hope so too."

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