Chapter Forty Seven

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Jake POV: "Yeah, he looks just like Anthony, wouldn't you agree?" She squirms. "I'm not sure, I don't really remember the gardeners that well." I put the picture down. "I definitely see the resemblance. What a coincidence, huh? I'll mention it to Anthony, I think he'll find it funny." I laugh, but she's only slightly smiles; her eyes conveying some sense of discomfort. "Yeah, that's really funny," she replies half heartedly. I could tell her mood had changed and I cursed myself for being so stupid. We had just made up and here I was talking about her ex. I put my arm around her shoulder. "Never mind that. C'mon lets go, we have a delicious lunch to finish." She smiles again, and we walk out the room to return to the table.

Two Hours Later-
Erika POV: "Shit Erika, this makes me miss Ohio so much," Jake says as we go off-roading down dirt roads floundered by pine trees. I laugh, and he revs up the Jeep the show had provided us. As we weave across the long, narrow paths my mind began to wander. Today had been eye opening for Jake and I both. He had seen the reality of my life and I had gotten to understand his feelings better. No longer did I feel shackled by the weight of my poverty knowing that he respected me for it. I felt free to let myself have feelings for him, and I knew that being together wasn't impossible. While this was a great step in the right direction; I still had one major problem. Anthony. When Jake had found the picture of Anthony my heart had dropped. I felt guilty for not telling him the truth about everything but there was never a good time to do it. And now it was too late. Thank god Jake didn't think too far into it or else things could have gotten messy. "Earth to Erika? Earth to Erikaaaa." I snap out of my thoughts and turn to Jake, who has parked the car by a field. "Penny for your thoughts?" I smile and shake my head. "Sorry, private matters." He raises his eyebrows. "By private you mean..." I slap his arm. "Ew no. You know we're being filmed right?" He chuckles. "Oh, I'm well aware." He leans in and starts to kiss me, and though I'm rolling my eyes I kiss him back. Suddenly he pulls away. "Erika, you're too far away." I laugh. "Am I?" "Yeah, come here." He pulls me out of my seat and onto his lap; my cheeks grow red as I realize that I'm straddling him. He chuckles. "Much better." I laugh then stare at him; his hazel eyes glinting, pink lips curved in a smile, wisps of blonde hair falling across his forehead. He was breathtaking. I trace the barely-there freckles scattered across his face and lean forward until our foreheads are touching. "This is nice, isn't it?" He smiles. "Yeah. It's pretty nice." Our lips meet again and we kiss slowly. It goes great until things heats up and he pushes me against the steering wheel; immediately setting off the horn. We burst out laughing, and I lean my head on his shoulder. "You know, you're nothing like I thought you'd be. I know I've said it many times, but the more and more I get to know you, the more I'm surprised." He laughs. "Glad to hear that. And I could say the same about you, miss angel savior." I laugh. "Yup, that's me. Biggest hero around." His face shifts to a concerned look. "Wait, Erika, is there any way I can help your family? You guys deserve it." She smiles. "It's okay, me being on the show this long has really helped us money-wise." He glances at the camera, and lowers his voice to a whisper. "Oh right. That's why you came on the show in the first place." "True, but not anymore." He tilts his head. "What do you mean?" "I mean I did come here for the money..but now I'm here for you." He grins, and kisses me again.

Five Hours Later-
Jake POV: After our drive Erika and I had gone to Sal's diner and shared her usual order; a small strawberry milkshake. It was sweet and simple; symbolic of Erika's cute little town. We then returned to her house to hang out with her family and before we knew it, it was time to go back to Los Angeles. "Angel thank you, it was great meeting you all." She grins. "Of course! We all had a great time meeting you as well." We hug, then I turn to Erika's siblings and give them all high fives. "You guys are awesome." Ollie runs up to hug me. "We're friends, right Jake?" I chuckle.
"Friends for life, Ollie."

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