Chapter Fifty

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One Day Later- Los Angeles, California

Jake POV: "Ready?" I nod, and the director signals for me to walk onstage. Erika, Michelle, Jenna and Chad are already waiting on stage, and I go to stand between Chad and a tray with two roses on it. He gives me a smile, then begins to speak. "Ladies and gentleman, tonight three will become two. That's right, we are minutes away from entering the last stage of Jake's journey to find love." He turns to me. "Jake, have you chosen the two girls that will be advancing to the finale?" I nod. "Great. How was it making that decision?" "Very hard. I've formed deep connections with all three girls, and I could vision an unique future with each one of them." "Well Jake, this elimination is going to be tough." Chad looks at the girls. "But it must be done." I nod. "Meeting with my parent really helped put all of our relationships in a new perspective for me. I thought about who I could really see as being a ride or die. And so I've picked the two that I believe I could have a long-lasting relationship with." I pick up one of the roses and walk up to the girls. "The receiver of this rose has continuously amazed me, inspired me and kept me humble. They have been a wonderful companion through this journey." I smile. "Erika, will you accept this rose?" She grins; her eyes sparkling. "Of course." We hug, and she returns to her spot. Now it was time for the hard part. I pick up the second rose. I look at the two remaining girls; their faces awash in anxiety. "The receiver of this rose has impressed me with their level of care for me, their dedication and their kindness." I take a deep breath. "Jenna, will you accept this rose?" Jenna nods at takes the rose, as we hug Michelle begins to sob. Jenna quickly pulls her into a hug. "Michelle, it'll be okay. It's okay," I go to place a hand on Michelle's shoulder. "You're a great girl; you're beautiful, smart and you've got a soft heart under that hard exterior. I know there's a guy out there meant just for you. But I'm not that guy." She lifts her head, and wipes away a tear. "I know." She takes a shaky breath. "But this is really hard to accept. I mean, I really was falling for you." Michelle pauses. "But I understand that there can only be one winner." She forces a smile on her face. "All in all, this was an amazing experience. I wish you the best, Jake." I nod. "I wish the same to you, Michelle." She turns to the girls. "Erika and Jenna, I wish you the absolute best. I love you guys so much." Jenna smiles and Erika wipes away a tear and runs over to the other two. Chad and I stay silent as they hug; it's amazing to see how close they've gotten. In the beginning, Erika had complained so much to me about Michelle and here she was now crying at her leaving. Seeing them, it hit me that this hadn't just been a journey of love for me. It has been a journey of friendship for the girls, something they would never forget.

Two Days Later- (Outside Girl's Mansion)
Erika POV: Sylvia grins. "Erika, Jenna. The big day is almost upon us." I look at Jenna and she gives me a meek smile. "Day after tomorrow, everything will finally wrap up, we'll have our winner at last! Let me give you the rundown for the finale." She pauses to glance at her notebook. "Alright, here it is. First, Jake and you two will go onstage and do a little q&a with Chad. After that, Jake will reveal who he chooses as his girlfriend by presenting her with the diamond necklace. Understand?" We nod. "Now, you know this will be a hard decision for him, and emotionally taxing as well. So whoever loses, handle it graciously and respectfully." We nod again. "Okay ladies, that's about it for the schedule. Take time today and tomorrow to pick your outfits, relax and prepare yourselves for the finale. I have loads to do, so I'll see you when I see you." She smiles then hurries off. I sigh. "Can't believe we're a day away from the end." Jenna nods. "Same. I'll miss this house, the fun and the food. Especially the food." We laugh, and chat a bit until Jenna leaves to get her manicure. I myself decide to then wander around the garden; taking in how beautifully all the flowers have bloomed. As I'm examining the tulips, I feel something drop into my coat pocket. I turn around and see someone quickly walking away. Was it Anthony? I reach into my pocket and pull out a crumpled note. "Meet me at the bench. Ten 'o'clock," the note reads.

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