Chapter Forty Two

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Anthony POV: I peer out at the garden; attempting to find Erika in the dark of the night. I knew she was out here; I saw her run outside after fighting with Jake. I soon spot her; alone and curled up on a bench. "I'm sorry about what happened," I say as I walk up to her. "I know she was your best friend." She doesn't respond. I take a seat next to her, and we sit in silence until she turns to me. "How come you always find me right after I fight with Jake," she says with a slight laugh. I chuckle. "Instinct, maybe?" I move a bit closer. "I saw you guys dancing earlier. You're really into this guy, huh?" She shrugs. "I guess. But what he did today was so inconsiderate." I nod, though truthfully I wasn't sure. As much as I disliked him, the guy was just following the rules. But I wasn't about to take his side and argue with Erika. "Everything will be okay," I say as I wrap an arm around her. She slowly rests her head on my shoulder. Immediately, her strawberry scent consumes me; a smell so familiar and comforting. She sighs. "Tony, this whole thing is too much for me, everything is so complicated. It sucks to always be competing with other girls, it sucks to always have to follow so many rules and it sucks to always be watched by those fucking cameras." I chuckle. "Wish we were back in my pickup truck, sneaking out to the bowling alley?" She nods. "Ugh, yes. Or getting all excited to see year old movies at the cineplex." "Remember how we'd always go to Sal's diner, and split a chocolate milkshake?" "The only thing we could afford," she replies with a laugh. She smiles. "I'll always cherish those memories. Things were so simple." "They really were." "Here I have to deal with so much. And Jake is just so frustrating." She looks up at me. "You know, you always understood me. You wouldn't do what he's doing." She stares into my eyes, and suddenly she leans in and starts to kiss me hard. She moves her lips to my jaw then my neck; and I try to enjoy it. I mean this was the girl I loved. But it was all wrong, her kisses weren't affectionate; they were angry. I gently push her away. "Erika...this isn't right." She frowns. "Nothing I do is right, huh? Not to you, not to Jake." She gets up. "Bye."

Jake POV: I sit on a stair, my head buried in my hands. Why did Erika have to be so frustrating? Tessa broke the rules, so she had to go. There was nothing I could do. But of course Erika wouldn't accept that. "Jake?" Startled; I look up. It's Jenna, her face painted with concern. "Hey Jenna. What's up?" "Nothing really, I noticed you were missing from the ballroom for so long. Is something wrong?" I shake my head. "No, not at all." She glances toward the loud crowd of people still at the door. "Jake, you don't have to pretend. I really don't want to see you sad." I sigh. "The cameras caught Tessa making out with another guy." She gasps. "Seriously?"
"Yup." "I'm so sorry, this must suck." I shrug. "In a way." While I was surprised by Tessa's actions, I wasn't hurt by what happened. What really bothered me was the fight with Erika. Jenna sits next to me, and reaches out to hold my hand. "Let's talk about something else, okay? Get your mind off of things." I nod. "I had a great time dancing with you tonight, Jake. Especially that little spin dip move." "That was smooth huh," I say with a laugh. She nods. "Very. I'm so lucky to get to date you. I know I've said it a million times, but I'm just so happy around you." I smile, knowing exactly how she felt. That was the way I felt around a certain someone. "That's really sweet of you," I say as I look into her eyes. They were a duller shade of Erika's eyes. I lean over to kiss her cheek, and she smiles.

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