Chapter Forty Four

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Jake POV: "And that's the show. Tonight we saw the aftermath of the Tessa incident; a huge game changer for our bachelor and contestants. Thanks for joining us, America. Have a good night." Chad smiles and signs off; the buzzer beeps to indicate that filming was over. Everyone clamors off stage, and I sift through the crowd, trying to find Erika. I finally spot her rushing out the back door, and I quickly run after her. "Erika," I say in her direction. She continues to walk away with no reply. "Erika, Erika. I know you can hear me. Erika!" She finally turns around. "What do you want?!" she yells. I jog up to her as she continues to walk away, and grab her arm. "Can we not do this." She moves out of my grasp. "Not do what?" "Not fight. I hate how intense things got on stage." "Well Jake, that's your fault." "Seriously?!" "Yeah! You're the one who jumped out of your seat and caused a scene." "You did it two seconds after I did!" "Only because you did it first!" I groan. "Erika, please. I don't want to fight." She crosses her arms. "Then say you're sorry." "But I have nothing to be sorry for." She shrugs. "Then I guess we'll have to keep fighting." I take a step toward her. "You're so insane." She glares into my eyes. "And you're so selfish." I take one step closer and our faces are inches apart; an exact repeat of what had happened on stage. Even in the anger of that moment I had wanted to kiss her. Now we were all alone; alone in the dark with no one around. And the tension between us only building. Without another thought I wrap my arms around her, push her against the nearest tree and suddenly everything's a blur. All I was aware of was plush lips, smooth skin and soft hair that tickled my cheek. I lowered my lips to her neck and her resulting slight moan was all I ever needed to hear. I pull away, and she frowns. "Why'd you stop." I smirk. "What was that?" She groans. "You heard me." "No I didn't, can you repeat please?" "I said..I said I'm still mad at you." I chuckle. "Aw. Well I'm still mad at you too." She rolls her eyes, and pulls my face back to hers.

Minutes later my fingers have dragged down her dress zipper, my shirt has been completely unbuttoned and we're tightly pressed together; lust taking full control over us. Slowly I lift her legs and hitch them around my waist, pressing up even closer to her than before. "Wait, wait," she gasps as I start to roll up the bottom of her dress. "We really shouldn't do this." "It's fine," I reply, starting to unbuckle my pants. She shakes her head. "No, it's not fine, I'm not going to have sex with you in the fucking forest!" I groan. "No one will see us, I swear. It's too dark." "Jake, seriously?" I sigh. "Alright, alright, fine. It's too risky." I go to add that there was already enough problems caused by previous outdoor makeout sessions, but I figured it was best not to bring up the event that had caused our big fight. We go back to just kissing, and do so for for awhile. "So... when we we going to actually do it?" I ask as we sit down by the tree. She slaps my arm. "Sometimes I swear you're twelve years old. And we'll do it whenever the time is right." She smirks. "And it all depends on if that time ever comes. Remember I'm still mad at you." I chuckle. "You didn't seem mad a minute ago." I start mocking her moaning and she blushes. "Jake shut up, someone will hear you." I just start moaning louder, and can't help but laugh. "I literally hate you." I turn to her. "Good. Now I can finally kick you off the show." She claps excitedly. "Yay! I've been waiting for you to say that. Now I can finally stop seeing your dumb face." We both stare each other, then burst out into laughter. "I'm sorry for everything that happened earlier, Erika. I should have been more understanding," I say after our laughter has died down. She lays her head on my shoulder. "Same goes for me. I didn't really consider your perspective." She looks down. "I just really miss Tessa." I wrap my arm around her. "I know you do. But I'm sure Tessa's still with you, cheering you on from Texas. And I know she'll be very happy to see she has a friend like you. Someone who never leaves her side." She smiles. "I sure hope so."

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