Chapter Fifty One

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Ten O'Clock That Night-
Erika POV: I sit on the bench anxious; my hands clammy and my mind frazzled. From the handwriting on the note I knew it was Anthony who had called me to the bench. I didn't know why he had done so and I had no idea what he wanted to talk about. But I knew what I had to say. I needed to end things with him, once and for all. I had completely fallen for Jake, and there was no going back. I look up to see Anthony's figure nearing, and I tense up. "Hey," he says as he sits next to me. I smile. "Hey." He takes a deep breath. "So Erika, you're probably wondering why I wanted to meet." I nod. "Well, I wanted to talk about us." He pauses. "This is hard for me to tell you. But thinking about how we were, all our memories...for so long we've been in this weird situation and things have been so crazy." He grabs my hand. "And so I've been thinking about a lot of things, about the future and-" I pull my hand away. "Let me stop you right there." I sigh. "Anthony...things have changed. I'm not the same Erika you fell in love." I pause. "Maybe if we had stayed in Bedford we would have ended up together, and been happy. But we've changed so much. I'm sorry, I just don't think we're right for each other anymore." I wait for Anthony to reply, but he just starts to chuckle. "Rik, why are you so damn impatient?" "Huh?" "I was about to say exactly what you just said. I don't think we should continue our relationship either." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "Seriously?" He sighs. "It took me time to accept that you'd moved on. But when I saw Jake's reaction to your home, I realized he was a much better guy than I thought. He's a good guy, a guy who deserves you." I smile. "So we're good?" He nods. "You'll always be in my heart, but let's just be friends." "Agreed. And Anthony, you'll always be my first love. That will never change." We both smile, and I lean forward to kiss his cheek. We then sit in silence; enjoying the unexpected tranquility of the moment. It's wonderful. Until we're interrupted by the sound of a harsh cough. Startled, I turn around.

And my heart drops like never before.

I open my mouth, stunned and unable to speak. Facing me is Jake, his face grim, eyes cold, hands gripping a rose bouquet. I slowly stand up, and Anthony does the same. "Jake, listen it's not-" he holds up his hand. "Don't." He takes a deep breath, and step closer to us. "I snuck out here to surprise you, to tell you personally that I'd picked you as my girlfriend. But clearly you're busy with something else." I shake my head. "No, please, I-" "Don't." He clears his throat. "I picked out a special rose bouquet, got all excited and this is what I get. I get to see you kissing another guy. And not just any guy, am I right?" He bitterly laughs. "I heard enough to put it all together. The gardener. Your ex. Anthony. All the same damn person." He pauses. "That day in your bedroom? You blatantly lied to me. In fact, this whole time you've been lying to me. You've been hiding so much." He tilts his head. "I don't even know who you are. You really had me fooled, you know? I thought you had fallen for me, I thought you were mine. But I guess I'm just not good enough. I guess this whole thing was just a game to you." Tears prick at my eyes; his every word was like a dagger to the heart. My mind was spinning; I wanted to say so much but he wouldn't let me, I wanted to explain but he wouldn't listen. The pain on his face washes away into anger. "Fuck you. Honesty, fuck you." He takes a deep breath. "For your families sake I won't kick you out. But just know that's what you deserve. That's what a lying, two-timing slut deserves." I begin to sob as he throws the bouquet at my feet. He begins to walk away, but then turns back; walks over to pick up the bouquet. "I'll give this to the girl who truly deserves it." As he reaches down I grab his arm, pulling him as close to me as I could. "Jake, I'm begging you to listen. You're the only guy in my heart. I..." I gulp. "I love you." He blinks for a second, then scoffs. "More lies, huh? When will you learn." He takes a deep breath. "Tell me one more lie from those beautiful, manipulative lips and I don't know what I'll do; I'll rage. It's best you stay silent." He pushes me away then quickly walks off, leaving me to crumple onto the bench. In mere minutes my world had apart.

Next Day- Night Before Finale
Jake POV: I lay awake; my mind somehow both blank and bursting with thoughts. I keep replaying yesterday nights events in my head, trying to make sense of it, trying to ease my pain. I had never had my heart broken before. I thought heartbreak was exaggerated; I didn't get why people wrote so many songs, so many poems about it. But now I understood. It was the worst pain in the world. I felt destroyed. Watching her lips press to another man's cheek I felt destroyed. All the time, energy, effort and love I poured into someone who couldn't care less. I couldn't stand that this whole time I had only had half her heart, I had been sharing it with that shitty ex of hers. Everything I thought I knew had crumbled before me. How could she lie to me so much? How could she hide it all? Distraught, I had given the bouquet meant for her to Jenna. At first Jenna was surprised, but she quickly received it with great enthusiasm and happiness. I could only fake happiness. For the longest time I had only envisioned ending up with Erika, no other girl could compare. My disappointment and pain could not be understated. I thought about what I would have to do tomorrow, how I would have to send Erika away and pick Jenna. I sighed, sadly thinking how horribly this "journey for love" had ended up. I had found my love and now I had to walk away, for she had never loved me back. Tomorrow I would have to be cold and callous to her, never letting her know the extent to which she had broken me. I had to be strong and pretend I was happier without her. I couldn't give her that satisfaction of knowing I wasn't. But the truth was that I was weak. A lot of me still wanted to chose her, to look past this whole thing. But she gone too far; she was toxic. I couldn't trust her and I couldn't be with someone I couldn't trust. My decision was final. And besides, Jenna was a great girl. We had differences, but we could try. I knew she loved me with no bound and she was fully dedicated to our relationship. Maybe we'd be even better happier than if I chose Erika. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to envision a happy, perfect future with Jenna.

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