Chapter Forty Nine

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Jake POV: My parents and I make small talk until we hear the door creak open. In walks Michelle; dressed in a tube top, mini skirt and her usual stilettos. I smile as she walks over and gives me a kiss. "Hi Jake." She turns to my parents. "Hi Pam, Hi Greg." She gives them both a hug then cuddles up to me on the couch. My dad smiles. "So Michelle, how has this journey been for you?" She grins. "Literally amazing. I mean, I get to make out with Jake Paul all the time. I'm living the dream." We all laugh; though it was a weird thing for her to say. "What do you do for a living?" my mom asks. Michelle shrugs. "I don't know, I haven't really planned that all out yet. Right now I basically post pics on ig and get bank from brand deals. Not bad, huh?" My mom smiles. "That's certainly unique. How about Jake, where do you see this relationship going?" She taps her chin. "I like to think about the present, not the future...but I guess I'd see us being in love and all that. Ooh, maybe we'd adopt a dog together!" We all laugh again, but I can tell my parents are getting slightly annoyed. Michelle wasn't taking this as serious as she should. "Michelle, you're from Calabasas; you're certainly adjusted to the glam life. Do you think this gives you an advantage over the more simple background of the other two girls?" asks dad. She laughs. "Oh, for sure. I love them to pieces, but they have no idea what they're in for if they win. Los Angeles is a nasty, crazy place." I frown. "Well, no, I mean I'm from Ohio. I got used to it." "Yeah, babe but it's different for them. You were already famous." She pauses. "I mean you're this big star, I feel like in the end I'm a better match for your level." "Really? I don't know about that Michelle." I look to my parents, and I knew they hated her answer. They were simple people who didn't buy into the snobby attitude of Hollywood elites. She shrugs. "I feel like we all want to believe that opposites work, that love is enough and money doesn't matter; all that mushy bs. At the end of the day, two people need to be on the same wavelength. Relate to each other's goals and interests. Practically, love only goes so far."

Thirty Minutes Later-
Jake POV: My mom sighs as Michelle shuts the door behind her. "That is one special lady." I laugh. "I know she comes off strong, but she means well." We chat about Michelle for a bit until the cameras turn off. We get a few minutes to take a breather, then Jenna enters. She's wearing a light pink dress with a cardigan, much more appropriate than Michelle. "Hi Mr. Paul, hi Mrs. Stepnick." She shakes my parents hands then sits next to me. I kiss her cheek and she giggles. "Hi to you too, Jake." My mom smiles. "Nice to meet you, Jenna. So, how has this experience been for you?" "Super fun." My mom waits for her to say more, but she doesn't. Mom laughs. "I forgot, you're pretty shy. Are you surprised you made it this far?" She nods. "I didn't really expect this. But I'm so grateful to be here." My mom nods. "What's your best memory from the show?" "Probably when I taught Jake how to horse ride." I gasp. "Taught me?! Jenna, you just laughed and watched me fall off the horse over and over." We all laugh. "Can't lie, that was fun to watch," says dad. "What's your favorite thing about our son?" asks dad. She sighs. "Everything." She looks at me. "Everything is amazing. He's funny, sweet and nice." "How cute," says mom. "And where do you see this relationship going?" Jenna thinks for a second. "I think he's the one for me and very dedicated to him. So I see us being together for a long time." My dad smiles. "Good to know. Jake is pretty outgoing and wild while you're the opposite, you're more reserved and quiet. Do you think your personalities will clash?" She shakes her head. "I think we balance each other. And again, I'm dedicated to him and I'll do anything to keep him happy, so we can work out any problem." I smile. Jenna was so sweet. "Also, Jenna you've said you're a devout Christian and on the hometown date in Georgia we saw how traditional your family is. Do you think LA life will suit you?" "Well, I don't drink or smoke, I'm religious and I'm still a virgin." She holds my hand. "And I'm not going to change who I am. But I'm willing to adjust and adapt. It's all about compromise." My parents smile, pleased with her answer.

Jake POV: I glance at the clock. "Where's Erika? Why is she late?" My mom laughs. "It's only been four minutes since Jenna left, Jake. Calm down." I stay antsy until I hear the door open. I immediately look up and our eyes meet. She's absolutely radiant. She smiles at me, then turns to my parents. "Pam, Greg! How are you?" She bends down to give my mom a hug, then shakes my dads hand. "We're good, thanks," my mom replies. Erika sits by me, and I put my arm around her and pull her close. "I missed you." She chuckles. "We haven't seen each other for like, a day." "Still." We look into each other eyes till my mom coughs. "Alright, that's enough mushiness for today," she says laughing. "Erika, I want to start off by saying how impressed I am with you. Watching your hometown date it was amazing to see what you do for your family." Dad nods in agreement, but Erika laughs. "Oh, cmon. Anyone in my position would do the same." Mom shakes her head. "No, few people would do what you do. I had tears watching that episode." Erika blushes. "Well, thank you. That truly means a lot." My mom nods. "Anyways, how has the whole experience been for you?" "Surprising." "How so?" "I don't think I ever expected to be so invested. I never thought I'd fall for someone like this." My parents smile. "We've seen Jake and your relationship grow and change over time. Out of the contestants we'd say you two have the most memorable moments together," says dad. "Remember the baking date? When you guys dumped flour all over each other? Or when you yelled at each other on live tv?" Erika and I laugh, thinking about all that we had been through. "Noting that, where do you see this relationship going in the future?" "I think Jake and I have a deep understanding of each other, we make each other better people and above all we're best friends." She looks at me. "I really feel we could make it work for a long time." My heart warms at her words. I couldn't agree more. We talk a little longer, then it comes time to wrap up the meeting. As soon as Erika leaves, my mom grabs my arm. "She's responsible, beautiful and caring, with a fiery personality to match yours. I don't see what more you could ask for in a girl."

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