Chapter Thirty Eight

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Erika POV: I wave goodbye to Michelle, and leave her room. As I walk to my bedroom, I suddenly have the urge to go outside. And so I do. I take my time walking through the grass, stare out at the familiar trees and go to sit at my usual spot. Except for there was already someone sitting there. But I knew who it was. "Whatcha doing out at this hour?" I say as I get close. "Didn't feel like sleeping," says Anthony as he turns to me with a soft smile. I take a seat next to him, and immediately I could feel him studying my face. "Everything good, Rik?" "Yeah, everything's fine." He lifts his hand to my cheek. "Don't lie. What's wrong?" I sigh. "Jake and I got into a fight." "Really?" "He said that he was falling in love with me, and I didn't know how to respond. We're just so different you know? From different worlds. It's way too soon to talk about love." I look to him, and I could swear his smile grew just a tiny little. "Erika, let me tell you what I've known for awhile. This show is all fun and games, but you guys would never work out; he's just another hollywood douche. That day in the garden? I was burning up having to see him flirt with you like he did, and touch you and hold you. Baby, you belong with someone like you, someone who understands you." He stares into my eyes. "Erika forget this whole thing. Forfeit. Come back with me, I'll take you home. We have our whole lives planned out. I'll talk to your mom, we'll work things out. We'll date for another year or so, get married, have a kid, maybe get a dog, have another kid. That's what life is supposed to be like for people like us. Simple and comfortable." I look away. "Maybe I don't want comfortable." He smirks. "What do you want then? You think you'll have a whirlwind romance with blondie? If you date him, the only things you'll get is dealing with paparazzi and crazy parties and all his drama." "You belong with me, and only me. Deep down you know that." He leans in to kiss me, but I move away. "This is wrong, we can't do this. I'm here to date Jake." "But we love each other." His eyes search mine. "Right?" I felt trapped; I felt like I was put in the same position Jake had put me in a few hours ago. "A few weeks ago? I would have said yes in an instant. But now.." I could see his smile droop. "Erika, don't be delusional. You still love me and you know it." I open my mouth to protest, but I didn't know what to say. A part of me was still clinging onto Anthony. My first kiss, my first boyfriend, my first love. Was I really over all that? "I'm sorry, I have to go," I say as I get up and run away. This was all too much.

Erika POV: I twirl around in my flowery shift dress; humming to myself as I climb up to the roof of the mansion. For some reason, I had never been up here. I knew I was desperately trying to distract myself from my drama; last night two guys had told me how they felt about me and I hadn't replied to either. I had fought with Jake and ran away from Tony; I honestly didn't know what to do. But I was done thinking about all of that. I snap out of my thoughts and take in my surroundings. It was beautiful; a cozy little area littered with flower plants and potted cacti. Though it was a chilly day, and I was certain it would rain soon, the place radiated a strong sense of warmth and comfort. Smiling; I go and sit on the edge of the roof when I feel someone walk up behind me. "Come here often?" I turn, and of course, it's Jake. "No, never." He sits next to me. "I come here all the time. It's so peaceful." "I can see that." We sit in silence for a bit, until he turns to me. "Erika, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you yesterday." I sigh. "It's okay. I'm sorry too, you put yourself out there, and I should have been more sensitive to your feelings. I guess we both were just being honest. Let's just let whatever happens happen." He grins. "Agreed." "So that's that?" "That's that." He stands up, then holds out his hand. "Would you mind joining me for a dance, then?" I giggle, then stand up. "Not at all." We move closer, and I place my arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around my waist. We being to sway slowly, and I lean my head onto his chest. Suddenly, I felt something cold and wet hit my my back. I look up, and see that rain droplets were being to fall from the sky. I move away. "Jake it's going to rain, we should go." "No." "Cmon, we're going to get cold." "I don't care." "We'll be soaked! Don't be stupi-" He cuts me off by suddenly pulling me to him. He lifts his hand to my cheek. "There's nothing I'd rather do then dance with Erika Costell in the pouring, freezing rain." I blink in shock at his words. "Then I guess we'll stay," I whisper. I place my head back on his chest, and try my best to get as close to him as possible. He holds onto me like it was the only thing keeping him standing. We stay like that as the rain comes down faster and faster; drenching our clothes and isolating us from everything but each other. "You're the prettiest when you're drenched," he says as he tucks my wet hair behind my ear.

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