Chapter Twenty Nine

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Erika POV: "Obviously, I'm happy people are supporting me. But whether everyone ships us or no one ships us, I think the relationship is between Jake and I. I don't want to dwell too much on what others think about it." Well, that was a bit of a lie. While it was true that I didn't care what the audience or the other girls thought; I was certainly freaking out about what Anthony or Tessa thought. Jake and I's relationship was hard to explain and even harder to understand; I doubt that either of them believed we were just friends. But that's all we were. At least, that's what I was telling myself. Chad raises his eyebrows. "Doesn't care that much about viewers opinions? Wow, yet another bold statement from Erika Costell. Well, Erika, thanks for your time." I nod, and head back to my seat. Soon we finish the talk show; and are given free time until the rose ceremony at night. I mingle with a couple of the girls backstage when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Those were some interesting answers." I turn to see Jake grinning. "I guess you could say that. But damn, someone's looking sharp," I say as I point to his suit and tie. "Just tryna get on your level," he replies with a wink. "Anyways, I gotta go attend to some things; talk to you later." He gives me a small wave, then runs off. I smile, and turn back to the girls I was talking to. All of who were glaring me down. "How do you do that?" asks Michelle. "How do I do what?" "Get him to be all flirty and talkative with you. He didn't even glance at the rest of us." "Yeah, what's your secret?" questions Cecilia. I shrug. "I'm just being me." Michelle rolls her eyes. "Ugh, you're being such a bitch." "Excuse me?!" "Obviously you've figured out the way to his heart and you don't want anyone else to know. You many have the audience fooled, but I can see through your act." I blink in shock. No girl so far had spoke to me in such a rude way. I guess the competitive atmosphere was really getting to people. "Honestly, Michelle, I'm not lying. I'm just being mys-" "Save it." She turns to walk away, and motions for the other two girls to follow her. I groan. This was the last thing that I needed right now. Quickly getting overwhelmed; I decide to head to my room to get away from everything for a bit. Of course, on my way there, I bump into Tessa. She immediately grabs my shoulder. "Erika, we need to talk." "Sorry, not in the mood to talk." "No, we have to. You don't really have a choice." I sigh. "Fine." We walk to our room, and sit on the beds. I prepare myself for whatever she had to say. "Erika, I don't know how to tell you this. Today during the talk show I realized something. When all the clips of Jake's various dates played, I noticed how the girls looked at him; how they seemed to feel with him. I slowly began to understand something. And then, as I watched your kiss with Jake, it all clicked." She gulps. "I don't like Jake." I raise my eyebrows in surprise. "At least, not in that way. I have fun when we're together, but it's almost like he's" I was stunned. I had thought for sure that Tessa was upset with me for kissing Jake. But clearly, there were different issues. "Are you sure? You've only gone on three dates, things take time." She shakes her head. "There's no chemistry, no sparks. No matter how hard I try, there's nothing there." I lay back on my bed. "Wow, I don't know what to say." She sighs. "I don't really know what to say either. It really sucks, but you don't really get to chose how your feelings work." "You're not wrong," I reply. I was having my own struggle with feelings. "As much as I want to like him, and as much as you don't want like him, I don't think we can control our emotions." "Who said I liked him," I say as I sit up. She chuckles. "Really Erika? Anyone who saw that kiss would beg to differ." "No, seriously. When this whole thing is done, I'm going right back to my boyfriend." "Omg, why are you so fixated on your boyfriend?!" She shakes her head. "From what I can see, you and Jake have something special. Stop letting the past hold you back, like don't you want to at least give this relationship a try?" I stay silent. "Listen, I know you're still in love with him or whatever. But being too sure about anything isn't good. If you don't take a chance now, you may regret it for years to come."

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