Chapter Fifty Three

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One Hour Before Finale-
Jake POV: I loosen my collar; my stomach turning as I take in the sound and sight of so many people, lights and cameras all around me. I was sitting in a corner of the studio practicing my two speeches: the rejection speech for Erika and the proposal speech for Jenna.  As I recite them in in my head, my mind wanders. Today was supposed the happiest day of this whole show, it was supposed to be the beautiful ending of a beautiful love story. But it felt far from it. My heart ached, and I couldn't sleep all night, I felt as if I was doing both the right and wrong thing at the same time. It was impossible to accept that I couldn't be with Erika in such a short time, but I had to do it. There was no time to yearn over something that was never mine. I continue to practice some more until I here a commotion at the other end of the room. I look up, and she enters. I feel my mouth slacken as she pushes away a strand of her silky hair. Dressed in a stunning white dress, with rosy cheeks and her always radiant smile she looked like an angel. An angel with the heart of the devil. It was unfair, really. For her to look so stunning while everything underneath those looks was all fake. I sigh, and return to memorizing my speeches. I get lost in the words until I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up, and I'm met with familiar green eyes. I feel myself stiffen; her lavender scent overwhelming me like always. "What do you want," I spit out. She gulps; seemingly taken back by my hostility. "I want to talk. Please? This is our last chance-" "There is nothing to talk about." "Jake, why are you doing this? You know we're meant to end up together," she desperately whispers. "I would never ever want to be with you." "But I love you, I swear I love you!" Her words sting me, and I grab her arm tightly; she winces at my sudden grip. "You will not be causing this kind of scene on live television later, understand? Keep your thoughts to yourself. I release her arm and she stumbles back, a tear falling from her eye. I look away; my own pain was formalizing into tears and I didn't want her to see. I take a shaky breath. "Get out of my sight. Let me be happy. Please."

Fifteen Minutes Later-
Erika POV: I squeeze my eyes shut, desperate to stop tears from running down my face and ruining all my makeup. I was in the bathroom attempting to pull myself together after an awful encounter with Jake. I was now sure that he hated me and I knew he was set on his decision to choose Jenna. I had really screwed up. If only I could have known everything would have ended up like this. I would have told him everything from the start. I sigh, and bury my head in my hands when I hear a loud knock on the door. "Erika, it's Sylvia. What's taking so long, you need to get into position. We air in twenty minutes!" I take a deep breath, and blow my nose on some toilet paper. "Sorry, sorry I'm coming." Plastering a fake smile onto my face, I walk out the door. Sylvia smiles when she sees me, and points me toward a waiting assistant. "This is it, dear. This is the end. It's been a pleasure guiding you through this journey. Good luck." She gives me a quick hug. "Now, go." I nod, and follow the assistant. The assistant leads me to an area backstage where Jake and Jenna where already waiting; Jake holding Jenna's hand and whispering something to her that was making her smile from ear to ear. They notice my entrance and Jake's demeanor immediately changes, while Jenna brightly smiles at me. "Erika! You look so pretty." I nod. "Same to you, Jenna." My eyes shift to Jake's for a second then look away. We all then stay silent as we wait; the tension unbearable. I wanted nothing more than to run far, far away. I look up to see Chad walking toward us; a wide grin on his face. "Hi guys! Ready?" Jake forcefully nods, then gives me a cold stare. "Most ready I've ever been." Chad laughs. "Good to hear." He then walks past us and onto stage; positioning himself to begin the show. I could hear the live audience chattering as they waited in their seats and the sound of cameras and lights being adjusted and the producer barking out last minute directions. Ten minutes passed, then everything becomes calm. The speaker placed on the wall crackles. "Director speaking; the cast and crew is locked in position, and we're ready to roll. Action!"

Erika POV: I look up at the television broadcasting the show to everyone backstage. I could see Chad standing center stage; huge grin on his face. "Ladies and gentlemen, we have made it. The finale of The Bachelor." He pauses as the audience claps. "We are so happy millions of you joined us on this journey; tuning in week after week to find out which girl would win our bachelor's heart. And we are so proud to announce we have reached the penultimate point. In the next hour, the question that has been nagging the minds of many will be answered: who will Jake pick? Erika or Jenna?" Chad pauses. "But before we get to all that, let's trace back through our journey." He turns to the giant screen behind him. "We have a little recap video full of never before seen clips, as well as a recap of all that happened; giving you a chance to quickly relive all the best moments from the show." Chad smiles, then snaps his fingers and the lights dim. The screen lights up. Jake appears onscreen sitting on a stool; visibly uncomfortable. "Look, it's you," I hear Jenna whisper to Jake. I resist the urge to look at them. "So Jake, the show starts tomorrow. How are you feeling?" questions a voice from offscreen. He shrugs. "Nervous, mostly. Excited too, I'm going to be surrounded by hot girls for weeks." I hear the audience laugh, along with the voice offscreen. "Every boy's dream. And on the topic of dreams, what kind of girl are you looking for? Who's your dream girl?" Jake smiles. "My dream girl? Well, when I think of my dream girl...I envision sunshine." He laughs. "I know that sounds dumb, but I think of a girl with a radiant smile, one that would be able to drag me out from the depths of any despair. I think of eyes that sparkle and shimmer, and a voice that's warm and welcoming. A girl who lights up the room when she walks in. A girl who is there to support me, comfort me, make me laugh and challenge me. That last part is really important. I don't just want the warmth of the sunshine, I also want the flame. I want someone passionate and full of life; lively and bright. Someone who makes me feel something I've never felt: pure, unadulterated happiness. Just like sunshine."

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