Chapter Six

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Erika POV: The commercials end and the show returns. "Welcome back everyone! Now, here's the moment you've all been waiting for...time for the contestants!" I could feel my stomach flip. For some reason, I was super nervous. I look over to my mom, and she seemed just as anxious as I was. I turn back to the tv. "Now, the girls we picked have no idea yet. They are all about to find out with the rest of you," says the host excitedly. "So let's get on with it! But before we get started, let's welcome the man of the hour, Mr. Jake Paul!" The audience claps as Jake walks onto the stage. "Jake, are you ready for the contestants?" "Born ready," he replies with a wink. I roll my eyes. With his gelled hair, obnoxiously shiny Rolex and ever present smirk; he couldn't be more of a douche if he tried. "Alright here we go! the first contestant is...Tessa Brooks, 19, from Fresco, Texas!" The audience cheers. Jake smiles. "What do you think about that?" asks the host. "Texas huh? Sounds like someone I could ride off into the sunset with," says Jake. Ugh. The more he talked, the less I could stand him. The host continued to name the contestants; I zoned out but I vaguely paid attention as names like Macy, Jenna, Riley and Becca were called out. They didn't show any pictures of the girls, so Jake just made comments about their names. It was weird. "And finally, our last contestant," says the host. Everyone leans in to listen; including me. Though by now I knew I probably wasn't going to be picked; the show had grabbed my attention. I'd maybe tune in every week. "Our last contestant is.. Erika Costell, 23, from Bedford, Michigan!" I feel my mouth drop open. Suddenly I'm surrounded by screams, tears and smiles. "Erika! That's you, Erika!" shouts Katie. My youngest brother, Max, has his arms wrapped around my legs. "I can't believe it! You're famous," he yells. With all the chaos I could barely comprehend what was happening. Was I really going to be on the show? This was the last thing I expected. My mom runs over and pulls me into a hug. "We're saved! Erika, we're saved!" Though I was smiling, (we weren't going to be homeless!) on the inside I felt numb. No part of me was ready for what was next.

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