Chapter Twenty Four

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Erika POV: I blink in shock as Ashley left the room. "He kissed her?!" exclaims Maya. "Obviously. Guess we're just not hot enough for him," says Jenna. I groan and bury my head in my hands. His choice to kiss (make out with) Ashley first reflected poorly on him, and as I looked around the room, made the other girls feel like shit. After all, the only thing appealing about Ashley was her looks. So was that all that mattered to him?

Next Day-
I hadn't gone to meet Jake last night. I don't know why, but it really bothered me that he had kissed Ashley. I felt...betrayed. Like had fooled me into thinking he was a better guy than he really was. But I had pushed that whole situation out of my mind until Jenna ran into my room. "I gotta date card for you Erika," she says as she hands the card to me. I open it and read the note. "Meet me at the gate for a little surprise. Signed, Jake." Guess he wanted to talk. Well, I couldn't wait to give him a piece of my mind. I quickly get ready and head outside. There was a full moon tonight, so I could see him waiting near the gate; waving as he sees me walking toward him. "Why didn't you come outside yesterday?" he asks. I shrug. "I don't know. I didn't want to talk to you." "Why's that?" "I guess I didn't want to listen to anymore of your bullshit." "What the hell? What are you talking about?" "I know you kissed Ashley yesterday." He looks away. "You said you wanted your first kiss to be "special", then you go and make out with Ashley; a girl who has the personality of a cardboard box. I can't believe I bought your fake deep bs. Clearly, you're just looking to hook up with the hottest girl here." He sighs. "Listen, I'm sorry. She started kissing me and things just escalated from there. It was pure lust, and I shouldn't have gave in." I roll my eyes. "So that's your excuse? That you were horny?" "Erika, I really did mean everything I said about wanting my first kiss to be special was true. So yeah, what I did was a dick move, but I didn't really think about what was happening until it was too late. I'm really sorry. Truly, truly sorry. And for the record, I don't think she's the hottest girl here."

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