Chapter 4

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock. I got up, and started to get ready for the day. I walked to my closet and picked out a pair of denimn shorts and my 5sos tank top that was black and had a galaxy pattern behind the words. I grabbed my black leather jacket and my black converse that has gold studs on part of the side. I went into the bathroom and changed.

After I changed and washed my face in the bathroom, I headed back into my room. I walked to my dresser and grabbed the gold heart necklace that Hayes got me for my birthday, I put it on and put on a blue wire headband. I grabbed my phone and put it in my galaxy phone case.

I grabbed my back pack and walked downstairs. I saw an unfamiliar sight. It was my dad,cooking and my mom wasn't there. It hurt, but I was excited for today so I let it escape my mind. I dropped my back pack on the ground and sat down on a bar stool that was at the kitchen island.

"Hi dad." I said.

"Hi sweetie. Ready for your first day of middle school?" He asked me as he cooked some bacon.

"Yeah, I'm really nervous but excited." I responded.

"Well, I hope you have fun and make lots of friends." He said.

"Thanks dad." I said as he handed me a plate that had bacon and pancakes on it.

"I have to go to work, but I will see you after school." He said as he kissed the top of my head and walked out the door.

I loved my dad so much, sometimes I thought he cared more about me than my mom did. I decided to push those thoughts out of my head, because nothing can ruin my day.

I finished eating and I saw that it was 7:30, so I still had half an hour before Hayes would meet me here. I decided to just watch Gossip Girl, until it was time to go. I headed into the bonus room and plopped down on the couch.

When I landed on the couch I felt something sharp. I stood up and saw that it was a gold colored box, I picked it up and I read the letter on top of it.

Dear Clair,

I hope you have a great day today, sorry I can't be there.

I know that you must be upset about the whole me leaving

your farther, but it's for the best. I hope you enjoy this, my

mother gave it to me when she left my father, and it helped

me through it.


Jennifer Hawthorne

I opened the box, and it had a credit card.

"Great, my mom is trying to buy my feelings." I said to myself as I put the card into my wallet.

I sat down on the couch and logged into my netflix and watched Gossip Girl. I had already seen all the episodes, but still I liked to watch reruns.

I thought about how I would force Hayes to watch this with me over the summer. When I thought about this, I thought about last night, and how I wondered what was going on between Hayes and I.

As I thought about this, I heard the doorbell ring. I headed back downstairs and I grabbed my backpack that had the look of a faded American flag. I grabbed my keys and headed towards the door.

"Hey!" I said to Hayes as I opened the door.

"Ready to go?" Hayes asked me in his sweet voice.

"Yeah, so what's up." I asked Hayes as I locked the front door.

"I want to know something." Hayes said, and I nodded yes. "Do you like me, you know as in more than a friend. Because I have been crazy about you since the moment I met you."

"I don't know,Hayes. I mean, I think I like you but I saw you and Bella kissing last night." I said as we walked towards the school.

"Is that why you were so quiet last night?" He asked me and I nodded yes. "Oh, I don't like Bella, I like you. I was just kissing, her because she said she wanted to talk to me, but instead of talking she started to kiss me. I tried to pull away, but I couldn't. I love you Clair." He told me.

"I love you too." I said and Hayes grabbed my hands.

"You are the only girl for me." He told me and he leaned in.

The space between us became smaller and smaller, until it wasn't there anymore. I liked this, I felt so safe with Hayes. I got the stupid butterflies in my stomach again, but I didn't care, I was with Hayes and that's what I cared about.

"So does mean we are a couple?" He asked me as we pulled apart.

I nodded yes and we walked to school with our hands intertwined. We talked the entire way there, we talked about everything. This is what I loved, be being able to be myself, with my best friend, being my self with my boyfriend.

After a short walk, we got to school and we started to walk in. Hayes and I separated to our lockers, I had locker 182 and he had locker 125 so we were kind of far apart. I headed to my locker and put my combo in. I opened my locker and put my stuff in, I grabbed my science text book, my binder, and my science notebook. I closed my locker and walked to first period.

I got to first period, science. There were only about fifteen kids there so far, and so I walked to the back of the room and sat down. I put my stuff on the desk, and pulled out my phone, I took a selfie. I commented on it "bored before school even starts." And posted it onto Instagram.

I played on my phone for a little bit, until I heard the first bell which meant five minutes till class starts. I put my phone down, as I saw the teacher walk in. He went to the front of the class room and wrote down on the board. He wrote Mr.Graham then he sat down and waited for the second bell.

When the bell finally rang he got up. I could see him clearly, he was tall and had black hair and a small beard.

"Take your seats." He said in a mean voice.

Just as he said that, another student came in.

"Your late." Said Mr.Graham.

"Sorry, I couldn't get my locker open." The boy said.

"Take your seat." Mr.Graham told the student.

The boy walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Hi, I'm Logan." He said to me.

"Hi, I'm Clair." I replied.

Logan was tall, and had dirty blonde hair with amazing blue eyes. He was a little tan and his voice was so sweet. He was wearing jeans with a football jersey on.

"It's nice to meet you." He said.

We talked the entire period about random things. We got a couple off glares from Mr.Graham, which made us laugh.

I found out that Logan just moved from California to North Carolina, he was a football player and he had two sisters and a little brother.

After sixty minutes of talking to Logan and getting glares from Mr. Graham class was over.

I found out that Logan and I have second period p.e. next. I couldn't wait, I think Logan and I will be great friends.

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