Chapter 8

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After thinking about this whole situation, I relissed that life is something that we deserve and that the people who say we aren't worth living are just jerks who aren't right.

"After I relissed that those boys were just jerks, I couldn't let them win. By win I mean them having the power over me to want to harm myself." Max told me.

"I'm so happy you relissed that, and now if someone ever does that again, I will beat them until they wish they weren't here." I said and Max and I started to laugh.

I pulled Max into a hug and heard a faint voice say "slut".

"Who said that?" Max asked me.

"Oh, I said that." A voice said.

Max and I turned around and saw a girl wearing a light pink sweater with black jean booty shorts. She had a awful black pixie cut and the worst knock off designer sandals I had ever seen.

"Did you just call me a slut?" I asked the horribly dressed girl.

"Yeah, I did. I mean you are dating a hot guy and you just hugged some random dude. That's basically the definishen of slut." She told me and letting out a small laugh at her last sentence.

"First of all, Max is..." I was going to continue but then Max put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. "You aren't even worth the time." I told her and turned back around.

"Please don't tell anyone I am gay." Max wispered to me.

"Why? I thought you were fine with who you are." I said to him.

"I am, but I don't want everyone to know so soon. I wanted to tell you, because you are like my new best friend and I trust you." Max told me as he looked down.

"Oh, how sweet." I said to Max and we talked the rest of class until class was over.

I couldn't help thinking to myself that this class was a rollercoaster of emotion.

"What class do we have next?" Max asked me.

"Umm, I think we have lunch next." I showed Max my schedule.

"Wow, we have fourth, fifth, seventh, and eigth period." Max said to me with a smile.

"Yasss!!" I practically yelled. I didn't yell but I did get a few weird looks from a couple girls.

Max and I both stopped off at our lockers and I grabbed my lunch. We headed toward lunch and we talked about how boring seventh period Spanish was going to be.

"What the hell." I heard someone yell behind us.

This caused both me and Max to turn around. I saw a very angry Hayes Grier.

"What?" I asked him as he walked over to me.

"What are you doing with HIM?" He asked to me and motioned to Max.

"He just happened to be my friend. And why should you care? It's not even like Max and I have something going on." I told Hayes as I walked closer to him.

"Well that's not what Vanessa told me." He said as he motioned to that horrible girl.

"Oh yeah, the same girl who called me a slut for hugging Max, and telling him that I will be there for him. As a FRIEND." I told him.

"Oh, I didn't know that." Hayes said as he lowered his voice.

"Yeah, and I find it repulsive that you don't trust me enough. I mean I wasn't the one who kissed that cheerleader last night. I wasn't the one to believe some girl I just met over your girlfriend." I practically yelled to him.

"Well, where does this leave us?" Hayes asked me.

"I don't know." I told him as I grabbed Max's hand and pulled him to lunch.

Hayes's P.O.V (before the fight)

I just got done with homeroom. Ugh what a boring class, I really wish Claire and I had it together.

"Hayes, wait up." I heard from behind me.

I turned around and saw a girl with black hair and a pink sweater.

"Hi, do I know you." I asked her.

"No, but i think you should get to know me." She said." Anyway, I'm Vanessa." She put her hand in front of her and I shook her hand.

"Hey, I'm Hayes." I said to her as we shook hands.

"Well duh, but I think you should know that your girlfriend has been fooling around with another guy." She said to me.

"And why would I believe that?" I asked her.

"Just take look. I sit behind Claire in homeroom." Vanessa handed me her phone.

I grabbed her phone and saw Claire and some other guy hugging her. I immediately stormed off to find her.


"Thanks a lot." I screamed at Vanessa.

"Your welcome, oh and remember when you and Claire breakup I am here for you." She said to me as she winked and walked away.

What did I just do? I needed to do something to get my mind off of this whole Claire situation. I didn't know it yet, but I was about to do something I would strongly regret.


Authors note...

Hey, sorry it haven't updated yet. I have been really busy with going to San Fran and stuff. But for those who know me I have made it to Nationals for rock climbing so I have been really busy at practice.

Also I am really sorry I haven't updated yet and when I did I updated this at 12:13 so it's really late.

But anyway, thanks soooooo much for over 400 reads. I know it's not a lot for some stories but it means so much to me. Thanks soo much and have a great summer.

Love you,


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