Chapter 5

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I walked into the girls locker room to change. Since I have P.E second period, I have both Logan and Hayes in this class. Since we are required to change, I changed into my blue shorts and my white shirt that had our school mascot on it that was a ram. I put on my nike shoes and headed out of the locker rooms.

"Hey." I said, when I saw Hayes waiting for me in the gym.

"Hey. I missed you." Hayes said as he pulled me in for a kiss.

Just as we were about to kiss, our P.E. teacher Ms. Krawford yelled at us."No PDA."

"Later babe." I said to Hayes.

"Ok, I will be waiting." He told me as he gave me an evil grin.

"Hey, Clair." Logan said, as he walked towards us.

"Oh, hey Logan." I said.

"Hi, I'm Hayes. How do you know my girlfriend?" Hayes asked Logan.

"We both have science first period." Logan responded, with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah, Logan, this is Hayes my boyfriend." I said to Logan and I emphasized the word boyfriend.

"Ok, class I am going to pair you up in groups of two for the first exercise." Ms. Krawford said in her annoying raspy voice.

"I hope we get to be partners." Logan said to me.

"Ok partners are Jessie and Clair. Logan and Hayes, Ashley and Sarah... " Ms. Keyword continued with the partners.

I can't believe that I am partners with Jess, it's the first day of school and he already has detention. He is known as the bad ass of the school."

I glanced over at Hayes and mouthed the words, "have fun". I knew I wouldn't.

"Hey girl." Jessie said to me in his deep voice. We are in seventh grade, how could his voice be so deep.

"Hi." I said as I tried to act happy that we were partners.

"We will, be timing each other as they run around the track five times." Ms. Krawford told us and everyone groaned.

Ms. Krawford started to hand out timers and Jessie told me that I could run first.

"Thanks." I said, but I knew that who ever ran second, wouldn't have to run today because we would run out of time.

When Ms. Krawford said go, I started to sprint around the track. I have been on the track team for the past two years and so I have gotten used to running.

As I came to my final lap, I looked behind me and I saw that Logan was running out of breathe. As I finished my final lap. I stopped and Jessie told me 5:27 was my time. I was not even out of breathe, but when I turned around I saw some was out of breathe. He was less than out of breathe.

Logan had collapsed to the ground . Instantly I ran over to him, and yelled for our teacher.

"Oh no, this is not good." She said.

"No duh." I said as I started to panic. "We need to get the nurse out here." I said and I told Madison to get the nurse.

Little back story. Madison is one of my best friends, we met at a track meet and we tied and have been competitive friends ever since. Madison is about my height, has brown eyes and light brown hair. However she is pretty pale, she usually has her hair in a pony tail and wears colorful jeans and sweatshirts.

Back to the story.

" I think Logan told me that he has asthma." I said. "We need to get him his inhaler." I said and told Hayes to go to the locker room and get it from Logan's locker.

I tried to calm Logan down and tell him everything was going to be ok. It didn't work. Finally Hayes got back with Logan's inhaler.

I gave it to Logan and he used it, after a short time Logan was feeling better.

"Thank you so much,you saved me." Logan said as he pulled me into a hug. I felt small butterflies when Logan did this.

"No problem, I'm sure you would do the same." I told Logan.

After Logan and I pulled apart, the nurse finally arrived and took Logan into the nurses office to make sure that he is ok.

"You were brilliant just now." Hayes told me. I gave Hayes a small smile and looked away.

"Ok, because of what just happened today will be a free day." Ms. Krawford said.

Everyone cheered, and some of the jocks did that weird thing when they jump up and bump chests.

"Yeah. So what do you want to do?" I asked Hayes.

"Oh, I was going to play football with the guys but if you want to hang out, then we can." Hayes said, he is such a great boyfriend.

"No,it's ok. Go have fun with your friends." I said to Hayes and he ran off to the guys.

I decided to go hang out with Madison.

"Hey Clair." She said as I walked over to her.

"Hey, we haven't talked since the end of school." I replied.

We exchanged our summer stories while we jogged around the track.

"So, is Hayes your boyfriend." Madison asked. I nodded yes. "Well, you better watch out, a bunch of girls will try to take him from you. Just watch and see." Madison said as she moved her head in Hayes's direction.

There I saw a bunch of the "pretty" girls who were watching the guys play football. I wouldn't mind much, but they couldn't keep their eyes off of Hayes. That wasn't what bothered me the most, I saw Julia who was the girl that guys went to if they wanted to have it all staring at Hayes and giving him some looks that if I gave a guy I would get grounded.

I started to worry, I mean we are in eighth  grade, no boy would want to have it all. Right? Would Hayes dump me so he could be with Julia? All these questions started to fill my head.

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