Chapter 13

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"Oh hey Hayes." Claire pulled away and looked everywhere except at me.

"So what's going on between you two?" I asked.

"It's not what it looked like." I saw the boy and I knew it, it was Max.

"So you weren't just making out with Max? Okay then what was it?" I could feel the anger start to boil up inside of me.

"Well you caught us. I'm gonna go." Claire said as she headed away hanging her head in shame.

I was beyond furious, Claire is my best friend and the one person who knows all of my secrets and I trust with everything.

"Dude, I'm sorry you had to see that." Max said with some sympathy.

"Oh it's no big deal that you were making out with my best friend." I was being as sarcastic as I could.

"Who also happened to be the girl you were dating and the girl you hit." Max said as he left the cafeteria leaving me standing there as kids started to fill in.

Claire's P.O.V

I stood outside of the cafeteria doors listening to every word that the two boys exchanged.

"We totally tricked him!" Max came out and high fived me.

"Yeah. That was great, your actually a pretty good kisser." I said as the two of us walked down the hallway towards our next classes.

"Haha thanks, your not too bad yourself." Max laughed as he dropped me off in front of the gym.

"Bye see you after class." I waved goodbye as he walked off.

I headed into the gym to see Julia standing next to her locker talking to some of the soccer girls.

"So looks like I did get Hayes after all." Julia said as she turned to talk to me.

"Cool, is that supposed to bug me or something?" I asked as I opened my locker.

"No, but we all know that he dumped you because he wanted someone who could please him." She high fives her friends and looked back at me.

"You have got to be kidding me, we are in eighth grade. You are so messed up." I told her as I changed for P.E.

"I may be messed up but I am the one who's dating the celebrity. Come on girls let's get out of here." Julia said as she snapped her fingers signalling for her 'minions' to follow her.

I changed into some basketball shorts and a grey t-shirt and laced up my nike's before heading outside to the grassy field where P.E. was often held.

I was one of the first few students to be outside but thankfully Logan was there.

"Hey boy." I yelled as I ran over to him.

"Claire!" He yelled back which made me laugh.

"So how much longer till this class starts?" I asked.

"I don't know like two minutes. But I heard we're playing volleyball over there." Logan pointed towards the area of our school where we had outdoor volleyball nets set up that happened to be on top of the few hundred feet of sand.

"Yasss, beach volleyball. Perfect to for getting ready for tryouts." I yelled at him and started practicing my mad volleyball skills with an imaginary ball.

"Looks like someone isn't too happy." Logan pointed to Hayes who practically had steam coming out of his ears.

"He's just jealous that you get to hang out with me." I said sarcastically while laughing my head off.

"You are a pretty cool chick." He chuckled.

"Why thank you but shut up before we get in trouble." I pointed at our P.E. Teacher who was walking towards the crowd of people waiting for this class to start.

"Okay class, we are playing beach volleyball today." Mrs. Krawford told us as she explained the rules.

"I'm going to kick your ass." Logan whispered to me.

"Yeah right." I said as I punched his arm playfully.

"Okay, team captains are Julia and Claire." Mrs. Krawford said and instantly I knew this was going to be an interesting game.

"You can pick first, your going to need all the help you can get." I laughed as I told Julia this.

"Hayes." She said as she pointed to him and pulled him into a kiss.

"Logan." We went back in forth choosing teammates.

I could tell that Julia thought she had a stellar team but she basically chose the soccer girls and a few jocks who most of them probably couldn't count to ten.

Me on the other hand had the girls who I have played volleyball with before or who have stellar talent at other sports. Honestly I did choose some of the hot guys just to tick Hayes off.

"Isabella, Megan come over here." I yelled at two of my best friends.

"Yeah, what is it?" Isabella asked me.

"We have to take Julia's team down. I'm going to serve and you two get reading to set and spike." I told the two girls as we high fived and got into position.

Logan was left back, Kian was center back, I was right back, Megan was right forward, Madison was center forward, and Isabella was left forward.

I overhand severed and it went over the net almost perfectly and just as it went over Julia bumped it which made her to fall to the ground. Then Hayes spiked it over which Isabella set perfectly and Madison spiked it landing it on the perfect sand on the other side of the net.

"Nice!" I yelled high fiving everyone on my team.

After we got two more points making us lead three to zero Julia hit it over and Logan couldn't get to the ball in time making the other team gain a point.

One of Julia's soccer friends attempted at serving it but ended up hitting the net. She tried again and it gracefully went over the net and Isabella set it to Madison and she spiked it over the net hitting Hayes in the face with the ball.

"Hayes!!" A few girls yelled as Julia ran over to him.

"Don't worry Hayes I'll kiss it and make it better." Julia said as she started to kiss Hayes all over his face.

At that moment I knew that Julia meant war and boy was I gonna give it to her.

"Let the games begin."


Author's note

Hey, so I bet you are all tired of my author notes which I'm sorry about but I love to talk.

So I have question for all of you. Do you want to know stuff about me? Would you guys watch if I did a younow so you could get to know me and put a face to the person who is writing this story?

Oh, and thanks so much for 13k reads. When I saw that I had that many reads I literally started to cry. I mean it means the world to me and yes some books have 13 million reads but oh my goodness I am so proud that something I wrote has gotten such positive feed back.

We'll I love you all so thanks for everything.

Love ya,


Truth or Dare (A Hayes Grier Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now