Chapter 14

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"Let the games begin."

Since I didn't get to serve I knew we were going to be in a tough situation. Megan served it under hand and barely went over the net. Julia set it over, Isabella set it to me and spiked it over hitting Julia in the face.

Hayes ran over to her, but was soon pushed away by Mrs.Krawford trying to help her.

"You!" Julia yelled at me and pointed at me.

"Oops." I said in a perfectly flat voice.

"Both of you in the principle's office now." Mrs. Krawford demanded us and the two of us headed to the front office.

As I was walking Megan and Madison fist bumped me and gave me a devilish smile.

"That was such a cheap shot." Julia whispered to me as we walked to empty halls.

"Well when you go after my best friend the claws come out." I whispered back.

"Really, you want to fight me?" She challenged me.

"Math off. Tonight." I got up all in her face. (A/N 😂😂 Chloe)

The rest of our walk was silent, but I knew she was shocked at what I challenged her.

We got into the principle's office and long story short I got detention for a week.

Soon after as we both left the bell rang and I had to rush off to class.

"So what happened to my trouble maker?" Logan asked me as he punched me playfully in the arm.

"We beat Julia's team, but I got detention for a week. Plus there's a math off going down after school." I told him as we headed to our next class.

"You did not?" Logan questioned me.

"Oh honey, I did." I practically laughed my ass off. "We'll loser I have class so byee." I said as I skipped down the halls.

I got to room seventeen and sat down at my seat. I grabbed my notebook and set it up against my binder, while putting my phone behind the book. ( A/N😂😂 Isabella in every single class)

I scrolled through my Instagram feed, liking every bodies pictures. I checked my notifications and saw the most amazing thing. Shawn Mendes requested to follow me.

Usually if it was any of the other boys it wouldn't be a big deal, but Shawn is perfection. If he wasn't dating one of my friends I would be with him. Almost on que Sara popped up behind me.

"Are you stalking my boyfriend." She asked me as she swished some of her long brown hair out of her face.

"As if, sorry but I'm taken." I said as I turned off my phone.

"Bitch come on, we both know that thing with Max is fake." She said as she stole the spot next to me.

"Fine, you caught me. I just want to get Hayes back." I said hanging my head with shame.

"The only way to get Hayes back is to kiss someone from Magcon. I don't know how it works, but when Shawnie was mad at me I did that and he instantly forgave me and fell head over heals. Again." She said with her evil smile spread across her tan face.

"This is why we're friends." I said and we both broke out into tears.

The rest of class went great, and before I knew it, it was lunch.

"Finally, the one class I'm good at." I turned my head to see Logan sling his arm around me.

"Couldn't get enough of me?" I questioned him.

"Fine you caught me, so I heard the thing with you and Max was fake." He told me.

"What? How did that happen?" I asked out of complete shock.

"Everyone is talking about it. I guess Sarah told everyone you were just doing that to make Hayes jealous." Logan smiled at me with his sly smile.

"Shit." I said under my breathe.

"We'll since you and Max aren't a thing maybe we could be." Logan asked me.

"Dude, your my bæ but I'm not really interested in a relationship right now. Sorry." I said and blew a kiss to him before walking away.

I headed to lunch and sat with all the popular girls.

"Hey, where's Hayes?" I asked Maddy.

"Oh didn't you hear? We banished him from the populars." She told me as if it was no big deal.

"Why?" I asked.

"Well we heard he dumped you and no one dumps one of our friends without punishment." She told me and smiled.

"Thanks I guess." I said still in confusion.

After listening to the conversation about who was dating who I soon became bored and threw away my lunch.

I headed outside and walked around as usual, I headed towards the bleachers to sit and think.

I was about to sit when I saw something I never though I would see.



Author's note.

Ahh, cliff hanger. Who's the mystery girl?

We'll I have news. I finished my other story and so I will either start a new story or update this one more often. Your choice.

Also I will be updating with my friend Sarah. Her username is @scavallone13 so if you want to read her stories you totally should. Well thats it.

We'll this chapter was full of author notes.

Love you all,


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