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The plane made distant sounds, Haley was staring out the window at the clouds, next to her was Sam in a white shirt. She didn't know who it belonged to since all of three of them wore it, she was in the grey jumper, Harry's grey jumper.

"So what's the first thing you're gonna do when you get home?" Sam asked.

"Pay rent." She said and laughed.

"Seriously?" Sam asked.

She laughed and replied, "Yeah they'll throw us out if we don't."

Sam felt a little bad for asking her that so he asked another question to lighten the mood, "I see, so what are your plans for college, you gonna go?"

"I hope so, I have been saving it's not like my father will pay, but I think I can afford a few courses." She said.

"That's great Hales." He said.

As they got off the plane, there were immediately mobbed by an army of papparazzi, Harrison pulled Haley closer towards them, Sam took her hand and pulled him behind her, there were people shouting, cameras flashing, Harry couldn't find Haley, he let out a sigh of relief as he saw her next to Sam. Haley was freaking out but the boys helped her make her way through the fans and papparazzi.

"Oh no, it's fine I'll take a cab." She told Tom as their car pulled up.

"Jesus Hales, when are you gonna stop with the courtesy and formality. We're dropping you off and that's final." She smiled, sighed and got inside the car, sat next to Harry and told the driver her address, as they decided to drop her off first.

"Mum's asking me to invite Hales over for dinner. She wants to meet you and of course Haz is invited too." Tom said.

Haley bit her lip, she felt nervous.
"Relax man. Mum already likes you. We've told her a lot about you." Haley smiled weakly. The car pulled over, the building was large and old, with rows of the same windows. Home sweet home, Haley thought.

"Thank you guys." She said as the doorman got her stuff out of the car.

"We'll see you tonight right?" Tom said as she nodded, "Sweet. I'll pick you up around 8:00? Yeah okay cool." They waved goodbye, as the car soon disappeared.

She carried her suitcases up the flight of stairs, she was right outside her apartment, she felt as if she had dropped something so she looked down near her shoes, all of a sudden, she bumped into something hard.

"Shit I'm so sorry. My suitcases are so heavy. You okay?" She dropped her suitcases helping the stranger to his feet. He was skinny, tall, dirty blonde  haired, looked around the age of 18-20.

"I'm really sorry. Are you alright?" She asked again.

"Yes yes, I'm alright. I'm sorry I should really see where I'm going." He said. "Is this your apartment, Miss?" He asked.

"Yes." She answered, picking her suitcases up.

"May I speak to Jason Grace?" He asked.

"Jason's not here but you can talk to me, I'm Haley Grace, his sister." She answered.

"My name is Nathan, I'm the son of Dallas James. He sent me to collect the payment of the rent." He said.

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