Christmas with The Hollands.

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Haley was fussing around, "Fredrick Gareth Grace, you have five minutes to get dressed or I'll take away your ps4 for a month!" She yelled, they were already late, Nathan was supposed to be home half an hour ago. Her hand shook as she tried to apply eyeliner, ruining it 6 times she threw it away, groaning. She had just returned from lunch with Kat and Zach, it was their first Christmas, as a married couple, it was great. Haley tried to brush her wild curls down, as she called Nathan again. "Fuck it, I'm straightening them." She pulled open the dresser and started straightening her hair. As she was almost done, the door opened, "Oh good. Nathan. You're here. You have two minutes to get ready becau-" She stopped in her tracks, shocked by the sight in front of her. Nathan's hair was ruffled, he had a black eye, a bleeding lip and a torn shirt. "Oh my god, what happened?" She said, taking the first aid kit out, she quickly unwrapped a bandaid and applied it near the torn part of the shirt, under which his skin was bleeding, she applied medicine on it, as he held his hand in his hands, Haley could've sworn he was close to tears.

"What happened?"

"I'm a little back on paymen- OW!" He said, flinching moving his face away from her.

"Hold still, this will burn a little but if I don't put it on it'll get infected." Nathan made a displeased face and moved closer, still flinching every time she lightly dabbed it. "Let me help you Nate, please. You can pay-"

"Haley no." She soaked the cotton with the medicine and applied it slowly under his eye.

"Nate. Please. This has gone on way too long tell your father or let me help you before you actually get hurt."

"Haley you can barely pay for this apartment and your moving plans .. you can't pay for me. I won't let you."

"Rich people and their stupid pride." Haley said trying to lighten the mood. She applied the medicine, quickly on his lip, he yelled out in pain, as Freddie watched from the back. "There we go, all good. Listen if you don't want to go I'll make something up you can rest."

"Don't be silly, it's Christmas and since father isn't in town I don't want to spend it alone. I'll be dressed in minute." He said, Haley smiled at him and squeezed his arm.

"What happened to him?" Freddie asked, very concerned.

"Oh nothing just got jumped by a few muggers. Hey you be safe on the streets okay?"

"Okay." Freddie said, not believing a single word of the bullshit story his sister had made up, but he knew she would tell him when she was ready, so he decided to respect her space. Nathan called a cab as they all made their way to the Hollands' place.

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