7:Mama's house

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Tonight my mother has invited Leti and I to dinner along with our other halves. Well, Malo was invited and West invited herself. Anyways, we are on our way to my mama's house.

"Let's turn around." Leti says from the passenger seat. I'm driving and Malo and West are in the back seat still bitching about it.

"We here. It's too late." I tell her.

"I'm driving myself next time." West says.

"Stop being a bitch." Leti tells her.

West smacks Leti in the back of her head and gets out the car. We all get out the car and Leti pushes West, but instead of West pushing her back she kisses her. I swear they so dysfunctional.

I knock on the door and daddy answers it. "Papi!" I shout and hug him. I am a daddy's girl. He's like my best friend to be honest because I am his baby daughter.

We all walk inside and dad hugs Leti and then my baby brother comes running down the stairs. "Guys this is my dad, Hector Martinez, and my little brother, David."

"I thought your last name was Atkins." Malo says.

"It's Atkins-Martinez." I inform her.

"Wait y'all Mexican?" West asks.

Leti facepalms herself and shakes her head.

"Just because my last name is Martinez and I am a latino man doesn't mean that I am Mexican." Dad goes off. "And for your information I am from Honduras."

"Anyways, Dad this is Yaya's girlfriend, Malo, and her friend, West." Leti introduces them.

"We can eat as soon as my wife gets back. In the mean time feel free to make yourselves comfortable."  Dad says before heading up the stairs. Well, this did not start off well.



West finds a picture of the family back when I was a baby and brings it over to me. "Who are these people?" She asks.

"Well, I'm the baby." I tell her.

"I know you're my baby, but who's in the picture?"

I roll my eyes and point to my mom. "That's my mom and that's Hector and those are his sons, Carlos and Sean. Obviously, Yaya and David weren't born yet."

"So you're Honduran?" West asks.

"No, I'm Black. Hector is my step father. He and my mom were high school sweethearts then they separated for some years and he went and had his sons. Then when mama was pregnant with me they reconnected and when I was one they got married." I explain to her.

"So who is your dad?" She wonders.

"We don't talk about him." I sigh.

"I'm home!" Mama yells as she walks inside. I hurry up and put the picture back in its place because mama has serious OCD.

Mama walks into the living room and that's when I see Misha and Nick, Yaya's first and only boyfriend she ever had.

"Why is he here?" Yaya demands.

"I thought it would be nice." Mama smiles. "Let's eat."


Dad sits at one end of the table and mama sits on the other. Yaya sits on dad's left side, then Malo, then West, and then I'm in between West and my mother. Misha sits on the other side of my mother, then Nick, and then David.

To say this dinner is awkward is an understatement. This dinner is beyond awkward and mama just keeps making it worse.

"So Nick tell Yaya about your restaurant." Mama smiles. At least she's focused on ruining Yaya's night right now.

"That's not necessary mom." Yaya sighs.

"Oh, I don't mind." Nick smiles. "My father handed over the restaurant to me. You should all come eat their one night."

"We'd love to." Mama tells him.

"We'll see what happens." Yaya says politely.

"Oh, I remember when Jamiya was fifteen and she first started dating Nick. They went out every night." Mama smiles.

"You mean when you forced me to date him because I told you I liked girls and you said you wouldn't have two gay daughters. That Leti was enough." Yaya demands.

Dad clears his throat and starts to laugh nervously. "Aye, remember when the girls got caught having a party when we went out of town for the weekend."

"Yes, That party was so fun." Misha says smiling at me. That was the first time Misha and I had sex, but nobody needs to know that.

"I never wanted Leti to be gay either." Mama says. I let out a loud sigh and stare up at the ceiling. "I thought it was just a phase until she brought Misha home. Misha is a good girl and that's when I learned to accept Leti for who she is." I roll my eyes because my mother hasn't accepted shit. She criticizes everything I do.

"What is your point mother?" I ask.

"Maybe If Yaya brought home a nice girl then I would accept her." Mama claims.

"Mallory is a nice girl!" Yaya shouts.

"Don't say my real name." Malo says embarrassed.

"She looks like a thug. They both do." Mama points to West and Malo. I would defend them, but they are technically thugs. They do have a gang and sell drugs and they killed Pablo. He did deserve it though.

"Maybe I like thugs!" Yaya shouts.

"That's not how I raised you!" Mama yells back.

"Maybe we should just leave." West suggest.

"Maybe you should." Dad says.

"If they leave then so am I." Yaya says.

"You aren't going anywhere. We are going to finish this conversation." Mama says as she stands up and walks over to Yaya. Both dad and I stand up too.

"Let's just all calm down." Dad says.

"Yeah, We should go home." I say.

"All I want is for you to stop whoring around and bring home somebody nice." Mama says.

"I guess that's a trait I got from you then." Yaya sasses her.

"What the hell is that suppose to mean?" Mama raises her voice.

"That you were such a whore that you don't know who Leti's Dad is!" Yaya yells. With no warning or time to stop it, Mama slaps Yaya so hard that Yaya flies into the table.

"Get out of this house and don't you ever come back!"

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