28: I do

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West places my feet in her lap and starts massaging them. I stare at her and smile. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and says "why the fuck you looking at me like that?"

Damn, she sure knows how to ruin a moment. "Why you gotta ruin the moment? I can't look at my beautiful girlfriend?"

"No." She deadpans. "It's weird."

"I just love you, that's all."

"I love you too, but..."

"But what?" I wonder.

"Nothing, I was just being stupid." She shakes her head.

"Being stupid how?"

"Just drop it Leticia."

"No, tell me West."

"I was just thinking about making you Mrs.West." She sighs.

"You mean the second Mrs.West." I roll my eyes. "Did Olivia even sign the papers, yet?"

"Yes, it's been final for a minute now." She sighs and raises up from the sofa. She starts to head upstairs and I sit up and watch as she walks away.


She stops walking and looks at me over her shoulder. "What?"

"Yes, West."

She grins from ear to ear and runs back over to me. "Are you serious?" I nod and she presses her lips to mine. She pulls away and kisses both my cheeks and my nose. "Let's do it right now."

"Woah, woah. Hold your horses." I tell her.

"I don't wanna wait any longer. Let's get married right now. Why not?"

Fuck it! "Alright." I smile. "Let's get married."


I never imagined eloping. I always thought my family would put aside our differences and come together for my wedding. Yaya would be my maid of honor and Hector and Calvin would both walk me down the aisle or at least one of my brothers.

But, no. That's not how today is going. I'm wearing a white dress that I found in the stupid maternity store at the mall and West is just wearing a nice button up.

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