24:Photo album

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I pull out a photo album from my duffle bag and hand it to Yaya. She flips through it and stops when she sees a picture of her and Malo.

"Who is that?" She wonders.

"That's your girlfriend, Yaya."

"My girlfriend? Did we break up?" She Asks.

"No." I shake my head. "You guys are very much in love."

"Are you bullshitting me? If that's my girlfriend then why isn't she here with us?" Yaya raises an eyebrow at me.


"What the hell are you doing?" Reina demands as she barges into my room. She snatches the photo album from Yaya and glares at me. "What are you trying to do? Do you want to rip this family apart?"

"This isn't my family any more!" I yell as I stand up off the bed.

"What do you mean we aren't your family?" She demands as she steps closer to me.

"You're not my family! You're just some psychotic, controlling bitch!"

She smacks me and I fall onto the bed. "You will never speak to me that way again." She demands. "Jamiyah, Let's go. You have a doctor's appointment."

"But mama-"

"You must believe me" I tear up watching Reina pull my sister away.

"Let's go now!" Reina yells as she basically drags Yaya out of the room and takes the photo album with her.

After she leaves I close and lock my bedroom door, I pull out my phone and call West.

No answer. I leave several voicemails until somebody tries to open my door but fails because it's locked.

"What" I swing my door open.

"Who you talking to huh?" Cj budges in inspecting my room.

"You're tripping"

"No I heard you, What are you crazy? Do you talk to yourself now"

I let out a big sigh. Now is my chance to tell him.

"Your father put you in jail" I blurt out without even planning on how this conversation would go or what else I would say.

"Oh damn you really are crazy" He laughs like it's a joke.

I raise my eyebrow and just look at him.

"Oh so you think I'm just a crazy 7 months pregnant girl?"

"Yeah" He laughs. "Ain't no way dad put me in jail"

"Your dad" I correct him. "Ok so who could've called the police if it was in the middle of nowhere and only 'dad' knew where you were"

"Like you said it was in the middle of nowhere and anybody could've passed by" He's obviously trying to not see that I'm right.

"Cj I know deep down you know that I'm right, he told you to do his crime, to hurt someone, get rid of HIS drugs so he wouldn't be the one to go down for it! He needed somebody to go to jail so they can get off of his back!"

He stares at the ground and punches my wall. I jump a little confused on what emotions he's feeling.

"I have a plan, I can take him down I just need you to help me."

"What plan?"

"You won't tell Calvin?" I ask him just to be sure.



"No, Leticia I'm not telling him shit." He says angrily.

"Alright" I sigh in relief. "We can't leave for Honduras until the doctors give Yaya the okay."

"I know this."

"That gives us a little bit of time to set everything up. We need to have the police in place before Calvin steps foot on that plane."

"What exactly is your plan? Do you honestly think there is anything that can take that man down?"


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