16:Don't tell em

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"Do you think Leti will name her son Jamiyan or Jamonte?" Yaya asks me.

I raise an eyebrow at her and tilt my head to the side. "Have you been smoking?" I ask her.

She smacks her lips and jumps on the bed. "Maybe she'll just name him Jamiya."

"There's two things wrong with what you just said." I point out.


"One, What's makes you think she's having a boy? Two, Why the hell would she name her baby after you?"

"Because we are having a boy and our son is gonna need a playmate, duh." She says matter of factly. "And she's my sister. Her baby should be named after me."

"Okay, but we are not naming our son Letician."

"Yeah, I already told her we'll name him Leticiano." She laughs. What the fuck I look like walking around with a little Leticiano? She tryna get our baby jumped.

When I wake up Jamiya is gone and West is standing there looking at me. "Yo, What the fuck?"

"I need someone to talk to." She sighs.

"How long you been here?" I ask as I sit up and wipe the coal from my eyes.

"Like thirty minutes." She shrugs. "Yaya let me in on her way to go buy some baby shit."

"That girl is gonna spend all my money." I shake my head.

West rolls her eyes and sits on the edge of the bed. "At least it's your baby." She says.

"Nigga, Leti baby is your baby too."

"Is it? I don't feel like it." She claims. "I didn't do nothing to make that baby and I don't want a baby right now."

"So what you go do? Tell her not to have it?" I ask her.

"Maybe?" She shrugs.

"Then she go leave yo ass and then what?"

"Fuck! I don't know!" She shouts. "I don't wanna raise a baby that she made with some nigga."

"Well, it's too late for that." I shrug. "It's time for you to grow up."



As soon as I walk in the house Leti is racing down the stairs. "Where you been at? Why you ain't come home last night?"

"You know why." I tell her.

She rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "I'm sorry West. I coped with your death and the bullshit I learned afterwards the best way I knew how, but I'm not sorry that I'm pregnant."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

Why the fuck she acting all bold? This pregnancy already got her tripping. "Who knows?" I ask.

"Knows what?"

This girl is tryna kill me. "Who knows that your pregnant, Leticia?" I ask slowly and with much attitude.

"You, my sister, and Malo."

"Good." I smile.

"Why is that good?" She Asks while squinting her eyes at me.

"Because I got a plan."

"A plan?" She raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, you abort this baby and then you go get inseminated or use a donor that we both know and get pregnant again."

She stares at me for a full ten seconds before she just starts cracking up. She laughs so hard that she holds her side and takes a seat on the sofa.

"What the fuck is so funny?" I demand.

"You wasn't joking?" She wonders.

"No, I'm deadass. I'm not finna raise no baby that you made by cheating on me with some nigga."

"I didn't ask you to raise a baby with me, West."


"You can't hear?" She sasses me. "I said I didn't ask you to raise a baby with me, so stop acting like your whole world has just been blown up."

"My world has been blown up!" I scream at her. "You are my fucking world!"

"Then don't ask me to kill my fucking baby!" She screams back at me.

I intertwine my fingers and take a deep breath. "I don't know what to do. I don't know how this is suppose to work. This is some nigga's baby. Some nigga that slept with you."

"Stop looking at it like that." She says. "This is my baby. This is a little boy or little girl that is going to call me mom and maybe you too if you get your shit together."

"And they go call that nigga dad." I say. "Have you even told him you pregnant? Does he know you're taken?"

"No and no."

"Why the hell not?"

"Because I don't want to yet and you're still technically dead." She shrugs.

"I don't want you to tell him." I sigh. "This is our baby. Not his."

She smiles and places her arms around my neck and kisses me. "Our baby?" She asks as if she needs reassurance.

I nod and kiss her again. "Our baby."

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