26:The arrest

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Calvin looks over at Mina and smiles at her. I don't think I've ever seen him smile before, definitely not like that.

The car comes to a stop and my so called 'parents' hurry up and get out of the car. I look at C.J. and he nods as if everything is going to be alright, but he has no way of knowing that.

Calvin thinks that detective Rogers is keeping the cops off of his trail, but little does he know that Malo and West have an entire team of detectives, who believe Rogers is crooked, on his trail.  But, what if he does know? What if these other cops are crooked too?

"We have to get out of the car now." C.J. tells me.

I take a deep breath and open up the door. When I hop out I see Yaya getting out of the car behind us. She's smiling and looking all happy. Sometimes I feel like she is never going to get her memory back. What if it's best if she doesn't?

"I know you're mad, but you can at least carry your own bags." Mina tells me. She drops my duffle bag in front of me and walks off towards the jet.

Where the hell are the cops at? "C'mon, sis! I'm so excited!" Yaya beams as she jumps up and down.

"Yeah, Let's go." I flash a phony smile and pick up my duffle.

I walk as slow as possible because maybe the cops are running late. Maybe they need some extra time.

Calvin grabs Mina's hand and kisses it as they approach the jet. As soon as Mina puts one foot on the steps I hear "Freeze!" and men in all black with guns and vest that say 'SWAT' come running out of nowhere.

"What the hell is going on?" Mina demands.

"Baby just don't say anything." Calvin says.

Two men grab Calvin and handcuff him. The rest grab Mina, Reina, Hector, and all of my brothers.

"Let go of me!" Hector yells.

"You are under arrest for the kidnapping of Jamiyah Atkins-Martinez."

"This is ridiculous!" Reina yells.

"You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you. You...."

"What's going on? What's happening?" Jamiyah panics as she runs to her parents. An officer blocks her, but she continues to try and get passed him. "Get out of my way!"

Once my family are all put into the back of the squad I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. I stare up at the sky and let my tears flow freely.

It's over. It's finally over.



I'm so confused. None of this is making any sense to me. "They're my parents!" I scream at the officer. "I just want to see my parents!"

"Jamiyah, please calm down. I'm just trying to talk to you."

"I don't wanna talk to you! I want my parents!"

This bitch exhales and knocks on the door twice. It opens and Leti runs inside the room.

She hugs me, but I push her away. "What did you do?" I demand.

"Yaya, I did what was necessary. They did kidnap you from the hospital. We have the video to prove it and C.J.'s testimony will put them behind bars. You just don't remember all that we've been through."

"What? What have we been through?"

"I found out mom wasn't my mom, you and mom were fighting about your love life, I got pregnant and then Calvin blew up a building and it nearly killed you." She claims.

I roll my eyes because now she is just making shit up. The door swings open again and in runs two studs. One has long, black hair and she walks over and kisses Leti. The other has long dreads and she wraps her arms around me in a hug.

"Baby, I've missed you so much."

I push her off of me and stare at her like she's crazy, which she probably is. "Who are you?"

"I'm Malo, Mallory."


"I'm your girlfriend."

"Oh, the girl from Leti's photo album?" I recall.

"I've waited so long for this moment. I can't wait for you to meet our son." She says.

"Our son?"

"Yes, we have a son."

I have a son?

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