10:mother's day

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I can't believe I told Leti I loved her. She didn't even say it back. How could she not have said it back? I'm Naomi West. Girls are constantly trying to get me to love them.

2:30 p.m

Baby😍👅💦💍: Hey wyd

3:07 p.m

Baby😍👅💦💍 :please stop ignoring me

3:08 p.m

Baby😍👅💦💍 :you wanna go out tonight?
Baby😍👅💦💍 :please just respond to me.

3:30 p.m

Me: I'm working, Leticia. Maybe I'll call you later

I know that I shouldn't be so cold, but what the fuck does she expect? I opened up to her and I've never done that a day in my life.

"Aye, we have a visitor." Malo tells me.

"First off nigga, stop running in my office without knocking." I scold her.

"Well, this an important visit."

I roll my eyes and follow her downstairs. Standing in the doorway is no one other than Calvin Thorne himself, plus a few of hittas.

"What are you doing here?" I wonder.

"Stay away from my daughter." He demands.

"Excuse me?" I raise an eyebrow at him. "You didn't even raise your daughter."

"I don't want my daughter to have anything to do with this lifestyle. Now either you end whatever it is that is going on between y'all or I end you."



Today is Mother's Day, which means it will be the first time my family has been together since that whole fight and me finding out Reina isn't my mother. At least this time Yaya and I left West and Malo at home just in case mama wants to curse them out or some shit.

I walk inside the house and hug Hector, Carlos, Sean, and David. I then see my mom and aunt or aunt and mom. I honestly have no idea what to call them now. I just wave at them and Yaya does the same.

"Girls, don't disrespect your mother." Hector says.

"We aren't." Yaya says.

"I don't see any mothers here." I roll my eyes and sit down on the couch. I'm tired of my family. They've been calling me since the truth came out and I haven't answered none of their calls. They don't deserve it.

"She's right. I don't see why we are even here." Yaya says.

"Because we are a family and we spend holidays together." Reina demands.

"This holiday isn't even a big deal." Yaya says.

"Yes, it is. Today is when we celebrate the fact that I am a mother. I have raised two girls and three boys and I did a damn good job at it too." Reina claims.

"Let's eat." Carlos says.

I get up and follow everyone into the kitchen. I sit far away from Reina and her twin, Mina. I just don't understand why they didn't tell me the truth. They've have two decades to do so.

"So how have you kids been?" Hector asks.

"I'm thinking about asking Helena to marry me." Sean smiles.

"Congratulations son." Hector says.

"That's great. I'm sure she'll say yes." Reina assures him.

"I'm happy for you nephew." Mina says.

"What about you Leti?" Hector asks.

"Oh, I just found out that my mother isn't my mother." I roll my eyes.

"Leticia! You will not ta-"

"I'm having a baby!" Yaya shouts making Reina stop yelling at me. Everyone stops what they're doing and stares at Yaya.

"What the hell did you just say?!" Hector yells.

"Malo and I are having a baby." Yaya shrugs and sighs in relief. "I was holding that in all day."

"Everyone out." Reina demands. My brothers and I get up, but then Reina gives me a look that tells me to sit back down.

"You are not having a baby. You are a baby." Hector says. "You're not even married."

"I don't have to be married to have a baby." Yaya tells them.

"The hell you don't!" Hector yells.

"You knew about this didn't you?" Reina stares at me. "Was this your idea? Are you tryna have a baby too?"

"Excuse me?" I demand. "Are you insane?!"

"This is my choice!" Yaya screams.

"No, no this is not happening." Hector says. "You're too young."

"I'm an adult and I will do whatever the hell I please." Yaya says before storming out.

I stand up and shake my head at Reina. "You know Yaya is her own person and maybe if you realized that you would have a better relationship with her."

"Just get out."  Reina orders.

"Gladly." I smile and follow after Yaya.

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