The sleepover

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Lisa's P.O.V.
Jill fell asleep in Christina's arms so we are all talking quietly.

"Hey guys?" I whisper.

"What?" Dinah whispers back.

"Should we do those autographs now?" I ask.

"Yeah" Amy, Dani, and Katherine all reply at the same time.

We all sign some posters and then Jill finally wakes up.

"Hey sleepy head" I say as I kiss her forehead.

She giggles and hugs me.

I set her on my lap and wrap my arms around her waist.

"So girls, how about we do a live chat?" Dani suggests.

"Would you like to do one with us?" Katherine asked Jill.

Jill looked at me and then back at Katherine.

"Yes" she said.

We did the chat and Jill stayed on my lap the whole time.

After the chat, the others went to get food, but Jill and I stayed behind.

"So Jill, I have two questions for you. Who is your favorite Cimorelli sister and who is your favorite Fifth Harmony member?" I ask.

She thinks for a minute before replying.

"You are my favorite Cimorelli sister and Camila is my favorite Fifth Harmony member" she said.

I smiled at her.

"Aww really?" I ask.

She nods.

For the rest of the night, we take weird pictures, sign some more stuff, shop online for birthday gifts for Jill (she was asleep for that part and her birthday is in 3 days), and watch movies.

In the morning, Selena made us all breakfast.

We had pancakes, bacon& sausage, eggs, and juice.

"Thank you so much for breakfast, Selena!" Dani said.

"Oh it's no problem at all, hun" she replied.

We all hung out a little bit longer until we had to leave.

Before we left, we each gave our phone number to Jill so that she could call us if she needed anything.

It was such a fun sleepover!

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