Going on Tour

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Ally's P.O.V.

Once the plane landed, we go into our tour bus.

The girls and I decided that we should make a bus tour video with Jill.

Plus she can edit, because she's awesome at computers.

So Dinah had the back room, Lauren had the bunks, I had the bathroom, Jill and Camila had the kitchen, and Normani had the front.

So we started to film and it began with all of us in the front.


"And I'm Jill!"

"And your watching our bus tour!"

First Normani explained the front area and then it was Jill and Camila's turn to do the kitchen.

"So this is were we eat...it's my favorite place and I'm with my favorite person" Jill said.

"I HEARD THAT" I yelled from the bathroom.

"SORRY MOM" she yells back.

Anyways, they give the tour and then I show the bathroom.

After me, Lauren showed all of our bunks and Dinah explained the back room.

Once we were done we all went into the back room and Jill began to edit the video.

"Hey girls?" I ask.

"Yeah?" they say.

"We never really properly introduced Jill...like nobody knows I adopted her" I say.

"Let's do a ustream!" Camila said.

"Ok! Everyone tweet about it!" Lauren said.

Jill's P.O.V.

I'm so nervous about the ustream! What will people think of me?!

I was broken out of my thoughts by Dinah saying, "is it working?"

I look at it and nod.

"Ok so as ya'll know, Selena Gomez and Harry Styles got into a horrible car accident and died" Lauren started.

"Well while that was happening, we had their youngest daughter, Jill, with us doing good deeds" Dinah said.

"The hospital called me to tell me what happened and they said that Selena told them that she wanted Ally to adopt Jill" Camila said.

"So that's exactly what I did. I asked Jill if that was ok and when she said yes, I went straight to a court house in New York City and adopted her" I said.

"So now, introducing Jill Hernandez" Normani said.

I walk in and wave at the camera. Mom pats her lap so I walk over to her and sit on her lap.


"Ok harmonizers, send your questions and we'll answer them" Lauren said.

"The first one is for Jill, how old are you?" Camila said.

"I just turned 15 awhile ago" I answered.

"Next one is for Ally, what's it like having a daughter?" Dinah said.

"It's amazing. I'm so thankful and proud to be able to call her my daughter" mom said as she kissed my cheek and wrapped her arms around me like she always does.

"Awww" Normani says while taking a picture.

"Alright last question is for Dinah, Normani, Lauren, and Camila. Does Jill consider you her aunts?" mom said.

"Yes she calls us her aunts and we love it" Camila said.

She looks over at me and blows me a kiss. I blush and look at the ground.

"Well that's all we have for you tonight, we'll do this again!" Normani said.

"BY THE WAY, GO FOLLOW JILL ON TWITTER! We also just made a bus tour video and Jill will be editing it. It will be up on our YouTube channel in at least an hour" Dinah said.

"BYE!!" the girls say and Lauren turns off the computer.

"So who wants to eat?" Camila asked.

I raise my hand and scream, "ME!!!"

"What do you want, babe?" mom asked me.

"Um four ham sandwiches?" I ask with my puppy dog eyes.

"Two" mom said.

"Ughhh fine, two" I say.

"Edit the video and I'll go get that for you, ok?" she said.

I nod and get on the computer to continue editing.

Mom brings me the sandwiches and I thank her and continue to edit.

An hour later I get done with the editing.

Lauren and Dinah were watching the video before they posted it, Camila was eating, Normani was sleeping in her bunk, and mom was watching a movie by herself in the back lounge.

"Hi mommy" I say as I walk in.

"Hey" she replies.

I sit down beside her and watch the movie.

It's called Grease and it's really awesome.

Eventually I got tired and I laid down with my head in my mom's lap.

When the movie was finally over, it was 11:30 pm.

"We better go get some sleep, honey" mom said.

"Kshwkxidndjidnejcidjekfi" I mumble.

"Do you want to sleep in my bunk with me tonight?" she asks.

I just simply nod.

"Well get up then" she said.

"Jskddkdndkjdjdefkfkdkffkdlle" I mumble again.

"You want me to carry you?" she asks.

I nod my head again.

She picks me up and carries me on her hip.

We walk to the front of the bus to find Lauren, Camila, and Dinah sitting there talking.

"We are going to bed so ya'll can have the back room if you want it" mom said.

"Ok thanks" Lauren said.

"Awww Jill, are you a tired little girl?" Camila asks in her baby voice.

I'm too tired to even argue so I just nod and hug my mom's waist.

"THATS SO ADORABLE" Dinah screams.

That's all I heard because I fell asleep in my mom's arms.

Ally's P.O.V.

"Shh Normani's trying to sleep! And look" Lauren said while pointing at Jill, who i was carrying on my hip.

I looked at her and she was sleeping.

"Oops sorry" Dinah whispered.

"Well goodnight girls" I say and they all say goodnight.

I walk back to my bunk and place Jill in first before I get in.

I kiss her forehead, wrap my arms protectively around her, and fall asleep too.


I'm not sure what else to have happen in this story...if anyone has any ideas comment below or message me, thanks!! (Btw if you give me an idea and I like it, I'll give you credit for it)

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