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Jill's P.O.V.

I wake up to arms wrapped around me.

When did my mom get here?

I poke her face a few times before he opens her eyes.

"Hey baby girl" she says sleepily.

"Hi...when did you get in here?" I ask.

"Well you had a bad dream in the middle of the night and you were screaming so I came in and laid down with you" she explains.

"Ohh well thanks"

"No problem sweetie, so should we get up or lay here longer?" she asks.

"Ummm well Camila has a surprise for me today...I think we should get up, so I can text her about it" I reply.

She nods and pulls the covers off of herself.

She gets to the door and is about to leave but I quickly say, "mommy?"

"Yes?" she asks.

"Carry me down stairs? I'm to lazy to walk"

"Ugh fine, but only because you don't weigh very much and your so gosh darn adorable"

So she picks me up and carries me downstairs.

Once we get in the kitchen, we are greeted by dad.

"Good morning beautiful ladies" dad says.

"You can't flirt with me, mister. I'm already taken" I say to him, causing mom to laugh.

"Oh really? By who?" he asks.

"CAMILA DUH! JIMILA FOREVER!" I yell and we all start laughing.

Suddenly the phone starts ringing.

"I'll get it" mom says before walking into the living room to get the phone.

I wonder if that's Camila...what is her surprise gonna be, anyway?

Maybe it has something to do with what I told her a few days ago.


Camila and I are sitting on her couch watching the news and suddenly Camila asks a random question.

"So Jill...what's one thing that you wish you could do to help people"

I think for a few seconds before answering.

"Um well I've always wanted to go to like Africa or somewhere to help the people there. I also want to write letters to the soldiers and give some food & water to homeless people." I reply.

"Wow that's awesome! I'm sure that you will get the chance to do that" she replies.

-------------end of flashback---------

I wonder if that is the surprise? She's going to help me do all of that? Nah probably not, she's busy with Fifth Harmony and everything.

I was broken out of my thoughts by my mom yelling my name.


"What??" I call back.

"Camila will be here any minute now, get changed out of the clothes that you slept in"


I run upstairs and get changed. I apply some makeup, spray some perfume on myself, and put my hair in a ponytail.

Once I'm done, the doorbell rings.

"Jill can you get that?" dad yells to me.

"Yeah!" I go downstairs and open the door.

"Camila!!" I say as a hug her.

"Woah, I just saw you yesterday"

"Well I missed you! I had to live in your house for a long time so I missed you!"

"Well I missed you too, baby girl"

"Well come in, I don't know where my mom and dad are"

We sit on the couch and talk or awhile until mom and dad come downstairs.

"Hi Camila" mom and dad say.

"Hello Selena and Harry" she replied.

"So the surprise??" I ask.

"Calm down" mom says as she laughs a little bit.

"Wait do you both know the surprise?" I asked my parents.

They smile and nod.

"Ok so remember when I asked you what you wanted to do to help people?" Camila asks.

I look at her with confusion and nod.

"Well I was talking to Simon and he thought that it would be great for Fifth Harmony to go around doing good deeds like the ones you mentioned"

"Oh...well I hope you girls have fun"

"Wait there's more...we are taking a certain 14 year old girl so that we can get her name out there before she starts recording her first album"

"Oh, do I know her?"

"It's you, silly!"



"Wait...what first album?" I say as I look over at my parents.

"We got you a record deal!!" dad says.

"WHAT?! OH MY GOSH!!!" I start to freak out.

"But wait there's more....your also going on tour as Fifth Harmony's opening act, after that you're the opening act One Directions tour, and them you'll be on tour with Selena Gomez & the scene!" mom says.

"No way!!" I scream.

"Yes way! So go pack we are leaving in an hour. First we are going to New York City to give out food & water to the homeless and while we are there, we are going to send care packages to the troops. Then we are heading to Africa for a month to build a school and other stuff. After that, the tour starts." Camila says.

"Wow! Um ok well can you help me pack?" I ask her.

"Sure thing!" she replies.

We go to my room and pack my stuff up. After that we got all of it packed into her car.

"Ok so we are going to take some of this stuff to the tour bus to keep it there for the tour and then we can go to the airport." Camila says.

"Sounds good! I'm going to go say goodbye really quickly" I say.

She nods in reply and I run to the front door where my parents are standing.

"I'll miss you both and I love ya'll so much" I say.

Mom was crying a little bit, but she was trying not to show it.

"We'll miss you too, babe" dad says as he hugs me.

I turn to mom and see her wiping the tears from her eyes.

"We love you so much, Jill. You better be careful out there and listen to the girls...well mainly listen to Ally, since she's the oldest. Just respect the girls and thank them for everything. I can't believe your leaving for almost 3 months and then about 2 months after that...your growing up so fast" mom said.

"Mom don't cry, it's ok. After that 5 months, you and I get to go on tour together. We will have so much mother-daughter time, it'll be awesome. I'll listen to the girls an be polite. I'll call you every chance that I get, I promise." I say as I hug her.

"Well go have fun" she says as she kisses my forehead and releases me from the hug.

"Thanks mom" I say as I run to Camila's car.

"Ready?" she asks.

"Yep" I reply.

Selena Gomez is my momWhere stories live. Discover now