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Jill's P.O.V.

I opened my window and climbed out onto the roof.

The coast was clear so I jumped off the roof hoping to land on the trampoline.

Sadly, I missed and landed on the ground.

I heard my leg and wrist both snap.

I screamed out in pain.

The last thing I remember is seeing my parents and aunts rushing towards me.

Camila's P.O.V.

We were all sitting in the kitchen with an awkward silence filling the room.

Just then we heard something fall and screaming.

We ran to the backyard to find Jill laying on the ground with a broken leg and wrist.

Lauren, Ally, Troy, and I all ran over to her while Normani and Dinah called an ambulance.

She had her eyes closed, but she was still breathing so that's a good sign.

It took a few minutes from the ambulance to arrive. Once it did, Ally and Troy got into the back with Jill.

The rest of us jumped in Lauren's car and followed the ambulance.

"How do you think that happened?" Normani asked.

"I don't know, but I bet Mr. Mahone had something to do with this" Lauren said.

Once we arrived at the hospital, there was paparazzi everywhere.

We rushed inside and sat in the waiting room with Ally and Troy.

After an hour, the doctor finally came out.

"Jill Hernandez?" He said.

We all stood up and he walked over to us.

"Well, Jill broke her leg and wrist. She will have to be in a wheel chair for a week and then crutches until her leg heals" he said.

We all nod and Troy speaks up.

"Can we see her?" he asks.

"Yes, all of you may go in. She is in room 113" the doctor said.

We made our way to room 113 and slowly opened the door.

We saw Jill laying on her bed watching basketball and texting on her phone.

Ally was the first to run over to her.

Ally's P.O.V.

We all stood there for a second watching her.

I just couldn't take it any longer, I had to hug my baby.

I ran over to her and hugged her, not wanting to let go.

"Oh Jill baby, I was so worried about you" I say.

"I'm sorry I worried you momma" she replied.

"It's ok I'm just glad that your alright, because I love you so much" I say as I kiss her forehead.

"I love you too momma" she says.

We eventually break our hug and everyone else has the chance to hug her.

"So what exactly happened, Jill?" Dinah asked.

She automatically looked nervous.

"Um I tripped...and fell out the window..." she said in a squeaky voice.

You can always tell that she's lying, because if she is, her voice will become squeaky.

"J babe, we just want the best for you. We love you and are concerned about your well being. Please just tell us what happened" Troy said.

She sighed and then explained the conversation between her and Austin.

"I knew it was him" Lauren said, once Jill had finished.

"Just please don't do that again, ok honey?" I said.

She nodded her head in response.

Just then, the door slammed open and I couldn't believe who I saw walk in the room.

It was.........

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