The birthday party suprise

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Jill's P.O.V.
I gathered everyone in the living room and put the video in.

It was a slide show of pictures of the girls and I.

At the end, each one of the girls talked about me.

It was the best present ever!

After we watched it, we continued to talk and dance.

I was talking to my best friend, Jane, when Austin came up to us.

"Excuse me ladies, but can I talk to you alone Jill?" he asks.

"Um yeah sure" I say shyly.

You see, Austin is my celebrity crush.

We walk into the backyard and sit on the porch steps.

"So what's up, Austin?" I ask.

"Um...ok so I really like you. Well actually move than like. I love you, Jill. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked.

I'm so shocked I forget how to talk.

"! I'd love to" I manage to say.

"Great!" he says.

As we walk back inside he takes my hand and we walk into the house hand-in-hand.

Everyone is starring at us, I wonder why.

"What are you two doing?" Aunt Camila asked.

"Uh holding hands?" I reply.

"Why?" Aunt Lauren asks.

"Because she's my girlfriend" Austin says.

"And when did this happen?" mom asked.

"" I was too scared to reply so Austin did.

"A few minutes ago" he told her.

"You can't date him" Aunt Normani said.

"Why can't she?" Austin asked.

"She's too young to date!" dad yelled.

I finally regained my voice by then.

"I'm 18. I'm an adult now" I say.

"No, your still a child! Just go to your room, I'll talk to you later. Right now I'm going to talk to Mr. Mahone" dad says.

"WAY TO RUIN MY PARTY! I HATE ALL OF YOU!!" I scream as I run to my room.

After about 15 minutes of crying, I heard a knock at my door.

"What do you want" I said.

My mom and aunts walk into my room.

They all just stood there and looked at me.

"What" I say.

"We're sorry" mom said.

"We shouldn't have yelled at you" Aunt Normani said.

"So I can date Austin?" I ask.

"No, we meant what we said" Aunt Lauren said.

"We should have been more civil about it though" Aunt Camila said.

I looked at Aunt Dinah who had said nothing this whole time.

"Don't look at me dawg, it's 4 against 2 in this situation. You and I being the two of course" she said.

Aunt Lauren elbowed her.

"So you approve of it?" I ask.

All the girls glared at her and she looked both nervous and scared.

"You know what? I do. Your 18, your a big girl, and you can handle yourself" she said.

"Thank you! Someone agrees with me!" I say.

Just then dad walks in.

I don't even look at him, I just look down.

"Look Jill, I'm sorry" he said.

"Yeah, your sorry but you don't understand that I'm an adult now! The only person who gets it is Aunt Dinah!" I say.

"Don't use that kind of tone to your father, young lady" mom said.

"Ugh can everyone please just leave?! I just want to be alone right now" I say.

"Ok, we'll be downstairs if you need us" mom says as they all leave the room.

I lock the door and start sobbing.

I sit on the floor crying and trying to not let my temper get the best of me.

You see, one time I got so mad I punched a wall. It was painful.

But anyway, I stopped crying when I heard my phone go off.

I found my phone and saw a new text message from Austin.

To: Jill

Look I know you're probably angry right now, but sneak out of the house and come on a date with me. I'll pick you up right outside. Love you!

From: Austin

So I replied.

To: Austin

Ok I'll climb out onto the roof from my window and jump onto the trampoline in the backyard. Then I'll run out front and we'll go. love you too!

From: Jill

So it was decided. I'm going to sneak out.

Author's note: @Selenasloveismine gets credit for half of this chapter, she gave me the idea to have Jill date Austin and then to have her sneak out. So ya'll should go follow her!

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