Planning the party

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Ally's P.O.V.
After we left the house, Troy and I went to go get the food and the cake while Normani and Dinah went to Starbucks and invited all the guests by calling & texting them.

Once we were all done, we picked up Normani and Dinah from Starbucks and started our drive back to the house.

"So who did ya'll invite?" Troy asked Normani and Dinah.

"Oh just a few people. Some of Jill's friends, Demi Lavato, Little Mix, Ellen Degeneres, One Direction, the stars of her favorite tv show (The Real Housewives of New Jersey), Austin Mahone, Cimorelli, and some other people" Normani replied.

"The Cimorelli girls?! Oh my gosh, we haven't seen them in forever!" I exclaim.

"I know right? The last time we saw them was the day that Selena and Harry came to get Jill to take her home, after they got back from their tours" Dinah said.

"Yeah" I sigh at all of the memories.

"We're here" Troy says.

We all get out of the car and go into the house.

You wouldn't believe what we saw when we walked through the door.

Lauren was sitting in a chair watching a movie while Camila and Jill where hugging each other, crying, and rocking back & forth.

"Oh my gosh my baby!" I said as a ran over to Jill.

Normani and Dinah went over to Camila to calm her down.

"What's the matter?" I ask Jill as I place her on my lap.

"T-t-the m-m-movie i-is r-r-really sc-scary" she said.

"Aww it's ok it's just a movie"

"Lauren why do you always insist on scary movies?" Troy asked.

"Because I like them" she replied.

Once we got done calming them down and unpacking all of the stuff, we all got ready to go to church.

They are having a special graduation ceremony and Jill is singing for it.

Troy, Camila, Jill, and I got in one car while Normani, Lauren, and Dinah got into the other.

We got to the church and Jill had to go and get ready so the rest of us talked to people until it began.

The pastor came to the front and talked about each student. While he was talking about them, their pictures appeared on the big screen.

Then alphabetically, he called them to the front.

There was...
Authors note: I'm making these names up
John Breeze

Valery Chow

Reba Evergreen

Gregory Frank

Jillian Hernandez (YAY!)

Harry Hamilton

Tony Klutz

Logan Leeway

Once all of them were on stage, they each had a chance to speak. I didn't really listen until Jill started her speech.

"Hola! So yes, I'm Jillian Hernandez. I'm the daughter of Troy Ogletree and Ally Hernandez. As many of you know my mom and stepdad, Selena Gomez and Harry Styles, died in a car crash when I was 14 years old. It's been four years and it's still really hard, but I was adopted by two of the best people in the world. But not only did I get a mother and a father, I also got four really cool aunts. So that's my story" she said.

By the end, all of us were crying. The rest of them said their speeches and then all of them exited the stage except for Jill.

"I really wanted to sing a song for ya'll and I came up with a really awesome song that we sang last year in youth group. So I'm going to be singing it today. It's called came to my rescue" Jill says.

She picks up her guitar and plays the song and sings too.

She has an amazing voice.

Once she is done, everyone in the church stood up and clapped for her.

Afterwards there was cake and people had scrapbooks of the graduates.

After an hour or so, we left.

The girls were spending the night so we all went to the house.

We all went to bed, excited for the next day.

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