They're coming home? Part 2

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"She's really talented, so we thought we would just see what they thought about her...and we would talk to you afterwards, if they decided that they wanted her to record with them..." Dani explained.

"Well what did they say?" Selena asked.

"They said they to work with her..." Camila said.

"Ok well tell them to give us a call and we will let then know, if she will be working with them or not" I say.

"Yes...well I'm going to help Jill pack, but Camila, thank you sooo much for taking care of her. We really appreciate it" Selena said.

"Oh it was no problem! and I will come help pack, too" Camila says as her and Selena walk upstairs.

Jill's P.O.V.
After all my stuff was packed, all of the girls helped me carry it to Camila's car.

After that was done, I thanked all of them and hugged them.

Lastly, I gave Camila a huge hug.

"Mila, thank you so much for letting me staying here and for just being plain amazing! I'll miss you!" I say as I start crying.

"Shh it's ok, baby...I loved having you stay here, you are welcome any time! And thank you for being adorable, nice, and happy...I'll miss you so much" she says as she hugs me tighter.

"OHH SORRY LAUREN, CAMREN ISN'T REAL!!" Dinah screams behind us.

"YEAH I TOTALLY SHIP JIMILA!" Normani screams.

We released our hug and turned around to find almost everyone taking pictures or videos. Except Lauren, Dinah, and Normani.

Lauren was dying of laughter & Dinah and Normani were fangirling over Jimila.

I look over at Camila and she's just smiling.

"So is Camren real?" I ask.

"That's a good question to ask Lauren" she says smirking.

"Laurennnnnn" I say happily as I skip over to her.

"What?" she asks, still kind of laughing.

"Is Camren real?" I ask.

She bursts out laughing, again.

"No, of course not. I wouldn't want to ruin Jimila!" she say while laughing.

I go back to Camila and tell her what Lauren said to me.

She picks me up and kisses my forehead.

"Well then I think Jimila, is real baby girl" she said.

"Haha um ok" I reply.

Then mom and dad walk over.

"Why are they talking about Jimila? WHO'S THE BOY?!" dad asks.

Camila and I start laughing.

"Apparently they ship Jimila, which is Camila and I, more than Camren, which is Camila and Lauren" I reply.

"Ok then...well we are leaving now so say goodbye to everyone, and Camila do you want to come with us since we are using your car for now?" mom asks.

"Sure, I can help Jill unpack" Camila replies.

"Alright well bye guys!" I yell at them.

"Bye! Text me!" they all scream.

"Wait Camila were are you going?" Amy asks.

"I'm going to help Jill unpack" she says, then she kisses my head.

"AWWWWW" they all fangirl.

"Selena, make sure that if they do anything cute take a picture and send it to us for the Jimila ship, all aboard!" Dani says.

Mom just laughs and nods.

We get in the car and drive home.

I end up falling asleep on Camila's shoulder, I'm sure that mom took a picture of it and sent it to all of the girls.

I wake up to a soft voice saying my name.

"Jill, you gotta wake up now...we are here" Camila says.

"Carry me?" I say sleepily.

"Sure" she says as she picks me up and carries me to my bedroom.

"Do you want to sleep?" she asks while putting me on the bed.

I nod and she pulls the blankets over me.

"Alright, goodnight...text me tomorrow, because I have a surprise for you, ok?" she asks.

I nod again and she walks out.

Camila's P.O.V.
I decided to let Jill sleep so I carried all of her stuff into her bedroom. Once I was done, I went home to get her surprise ready.

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