Fun day

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Jill's P.O.V.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs.

"JILL BABY, BREAFAST IS READY!!" I heard Camila call from the kitchen.

"Ok mom! I'll be there in a sec!" I yell.

I rush downstairs and sit at the table.

Camila came in and smiled at me.

"Well when you said a second, I didn't know that you actually meant it" she said while laughing.

I just shrug and say, "I really like food."

She gave me a plate of bacon & eggs and a plate of pancakes.

"Woah this is AMAZING!" I say with a full mouth.

"Well I'm glad you like it" she says.

"So what are we doing today?" I ask.

"All of the other Fifth Harmony girls and all of the Cimorelli girls felt bad that you couldn't stay with them so apparently, they are coming over today to give you some presents" she says causally.

"PRESENTS?! YAYYYYYYY!" I scream and dance around the kitchen.

"Your so weird sometimes" she says.

"Thank you very much ma'am" I reply.

"Now go get ready, they will be here soon" she says.

"Ok!!" I say as I run upstairs.

Camila's P.O.V.

The girls are supposed to be her any minute now. Jill and I are just sitting in the the living room, watching Switched at Birth.

Then finally, there's a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" Jill says as she walks to the door.

"NORMANI! LAUREN!! DINAH!! ALLY!!" Jill screams as she hugs all of the girls.

"Hey girls!" I say as they enter the house.

"Hey Camz!" They all say.

We all sit and talk for awhile until the Cimorelli girls arrive.

"CHRISTINA! KATERINE! LISA! AMY! LAUREN! DANI!" Jill screams and hugs them, just like she did with the others.

"Hey Camila! Thanks for inviting us over!" Christina says to me.

"Oh, it's no problem at all! You girls are like family to me!" I answer.

"So I heard there is presents?" Jill said excitedly.

"Yeah haha there open mine first!" Lauren J says.

Jill's P.O.V.

"Yeah haha there open mine first!" Lauren J says.

I take the present from her and open it to see a new Dallas Cowboys jersey!

"OMG THANK YOU SOO MUCH!!" I say as I run up to her and hug her.

"Your welcome" she says.

"Mine next!" Ally says.

I open the present from Ally and see a new pair of Air Jordans!

"Ally, thank you so much!!!!" I say as I hug her.

"Ok now mine, it's the best present here!" Normani says.

I open her's to see a Miami Heat jersey, a new basketball, and a $15 gift card to Taco Bell.

"Normani thank you!! By the way, the Taco Bell gift card was a nice touch!" I say as I hug her.

I continue to open all my presents

Dinah- Headphones and a $15 iTunes gift card

Christina- a new fuzzy blanket (I'm obsessed with them) and a Cimorelli SnapBack

Katherine- a new journal and a gift card for a new pizza place

Lisa- a Fifth Harmony SnapBack and a jar of Nutella

Amy- a varsity jacket with Gomez and the number 13 on the back

Lauren Cimorelli- a pair of sunglasses and a blue & white polka dot phone case

Dani- $15 Starbucks gift card and a "J" necklace

I thanked everyone and looked around.

"So what's the special occasion?" I ask.

"What? They need a reason to spoil you??" Camila asked.

"Um not really, but I think there should be some kind of reason..." I explain.

"Well we just thought that since your parents will be on your, I would be the perfect time to spoil you so that we don't get yelled at by your mom" Lisa replied.

Oh yeah! Mom doesn't like me to be spoiled, she says that I might turn into a spoiled brat and she wants to keep me as a sweet and grateful girl.

"Ohh well thank you again everyone" I say for like the 100th time.

"So what should we do now?" Amy asked.

"We should go to the beach!" Dani and Lauren (Cimorelli) yell at the same time.

We all agree and get ready to leave.

I go to my room and change into my bikini.

I hear a quiet knock at my door. I open it and let Camila in.

"Are you sure that your ok to go swimming?" She asked.

Oh my gosh, I totally forgot! I'm deathly scared of swimming since I almost drowned last year.

I haven't swam since then, but no one knows that except my parents, Becky, and Camila (since she is watching me).

"Um...yeah...I'll just lay on the beach and tan or something..." I reply.

"Babe, are you sure?" she asks.

"Yes I'm sure" I say.

I decided not to call her mom, because it would be kind of weird. She still calls me babe and baby, because I'm like a daughter/little sister to her.

"Ok well come on, let's get going!" she says.

Everyone else is in the van and we drive off.

Once we get there, I sit on the beach towel and read a magazine. Out of the corner of my eye, I see someone that I know walking towards me.

"Aunt Taylor?" I ask.

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