I'm staying with who?! :)

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Jill's P.O.V.

"You will be staying with...Camila!" mom said while she smiled.

"Yay!!!" I yelled with excitment.

"Now go to bed, you will has to get up early to pack your things" dad said.

"Ok love you guys!" I say.

I hug both of them and they each kiss me on the forehead.

"Goodnight!" they both yell to me as I run up the stairs to my room.

I took out my phone and saw that I had a few new text messages.

First I read Camila's message.

Can't wait until you come and stay with me! Love you lil girl❤️ Get some sleep, kay hun? ~Camila

I smiled and replied.

Thanks for letting me stay with you, I can tell it's gonna be awesome! Love you too Camz! And I'll get some sleep, I promise! ~Jill

Then I read Lisa's message.

Sorry that I couldn't have you stay with me, but I love you❤️ don't forget that your an amazing little girl and I'll always be here for you! We will have to hangout sometime soon...oh gosh it's late...so go to bed if your still up haha ~Lisa

"Aww" I said in my head. Then I replied.

It's ok, I understand that it is very late notice and your busy so it's all good. And thanks I love you too Lisa and yeah we should go to Taco Bell or something! :) Don't worry, I'm going to bed soon! ~Jill

The last one was from mom.

I know that you're still up, go to sleep babe! Haha I love you, goodnight ~momma

Oops, she caught me. I replied to that one, too.

Oh no, you caught me! jk lol I love you too momma! Goodnight ~Jill

With that, I went to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.

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