Is she sick?

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Ally's P.O.V.
Once we arrive in Africa we are taken to the house we will be staying in for the next month.

Once we got there, Jill laid on our bed and fell asleep. I'm really worried about her.

She's been sleeping all day and she's been having chills. She is also really pale and hasn't eaten all day.

I call the girls in Lauren and Dinah's room for a meeting.

"What's up dawg?" Dinah asks.

"I'm really worried about Jill, I think she's really sick"

"Sick? What do you mean?" Camila asks.

"She hasn't eaten anything all day, she's been really tired, she's pale, and she's been having the chills" I explain.

"Maybe she just has a cold?" Normani suggested.

"Yeah maybe" I said.

I walked back to our room and saw Jill laying on the bed.

"Hey babe, are you feeling ok?"

She shook her head before running to the bathroom and throwing up.

I ran in to hold her hair up and I began to sing to her.

Once she finished I carried her back to the bed.

"Go to sleep, ok? And if you feel sick again wake me up"

She nodded and went to sleep.

After awhile I drifted off too.

Jill's P.O.V.
By the next morning, I was feeling a lot better.

I decided that I should call Becky since I haven't talked to her in a long time.

(J- Jill B- Becky)

B- hello?

J- hey Becky, it's Jill

B- hey sis, how are you holding up since you heard the news?

J- I was devastated for awhile but then I realized that they were in a better place now

B- yes they are...oh and did Ally adopt you?

J- yes ma'am

B- good, she's a great person

J- yeah so how's the family

B- great!

J- alright well I've got to go, I'll call you another time! Love you, bye

B- love you too, goodbye

I hung up and walked into the kitchen were all of the girls were.

"Hey girls, do you remember when we first met?" I asked.

"Yep! You were six years old and it was at Becky's Graduation Party" Normani said.

"Who would have thought that almost 9 years later, it would have changed this much?" I say.

"What do you mean?" Dinah asked.

"Well my parents died, I'm not really close with my sister anymore, I don't talk to the Cimorelli's that often anymore, and Ally adopted me, which makes her a mother and ya'll aunts" I explain.

"Yeah...that's right, it's almost your birthday!" Ally said.

"Crap what are we gonna get you?" Lauren said.

"We can't throw a party for you because we really don't know anyone in Africa" Camila said.

"All I want for my birthday exactly what I have...four crazy aunts and an awesome mom" I say.

"Awwww" they all reply.

"Ok let's go so we can start to get to work on building that school" Lauren said.

"Yes ma'am, Aunt Lauren" I say as I salute and walk out the door.

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