Project: Care Package

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Jill's P.O.V.

After three days of Project: Bringing Smiles we started on Project: Care Package. For this project we had to go back to Walmart an get boxes, canned food, markers, paper, pencils, pens, and a bunch of other supplies.

After we got done at Walmart, we headed back to the hotel.

"Ok so we could either ask to use the conference room for the next two days or we could stay in the penthouse room so that we could all be in the same big hotel room" Lauren said.

"I vote penthouse!" Camila said.

"Same!" Normani and Dinah said.

"Well what is the bedroom situation in the penthouse?" Ally asked.

"Well there is three bedrooms with one king sized bed in each. So, we would have to share with someone" Lauren explain.

"Ok, let's go with the penthouse" I said.

So we went to the front desk and got our reservation switched to the penthouse for two days.

Once that was all done, we took our stuff from Walmart up to the penthouse first.

Camila opened the door and I walked it first.

"Woah" I said in amazement.

I was standing there in shock when two arms wrapped around me and someone kissed my cheek.

"Isn't cool, babe" Ally said before kissing my cheek again.

"COOTIES! EW! SHES GONNA GIVE ME COOTIES!!!" I said while running away from her.

This place was awesome, though. There was a huge couch and a huge tv. An actual kitchen with a big fridge. Plus there was a balcony.

I walked back to the couch where everyone was.

"What's up with the roommates? Who's getting who?" I asked.

"Well, Normani and I will share a room" Dinah said.

"So that leaves Camren, Ally, and I" I said.

Lauren glared at me before replying, "Correction, that leaves Jimila, Ally, and me"

I playfully slapped her arm, "nope Camren & Jally! Duh!"

"Oh my gosh did she just diss Jimila!" Normani said.


"No it hasn't" I reply.

I walk over to Camila kiss her on the cheek and then walk back over to Ally and sit on her lap.

"So pick which one you like better, Jimila or Jally" Lauren said before breaking out into laughter.

"Do you mean just pick which ship name I like better or which person I'd likely date?" I asked.

At this point, all the girls were laughing except Camila and Ally. Camila was sitting there smiling like an idiot and Ally was sitting there blushing.

WAIT WHAT?! Why was Camila smiling like a complete moron? AND WHY IS ALLY BLUSHING?!

"JILL! HELLO" Lauren said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Oh sorry what?" I said.

"Tell us the answer to both of the questions that you said" Normani said.

"Ummm...Lauren has got to say weather Camren is real or not and if she has feelings for Camila, first and then I will answer" I say.

Lauren looked really nervous and uncomfortable when I said that.

"Ok Lauren answer" Dinah said.

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