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Camila's P.O.V.

When Selena called me, I was so happy! I love Jill, she's like a daughter/sister to me.

Harry and Sel are dropping her off today around 2:00 pm.

They will both have some breaks, but they also have really long tours.

Harry has a USA tour that lasts about 5 months and Selena's World Tour is about a year long.

I just hope that Jill will enjoy staying here.

Jill's P.O.V.

I wake up to my alarm going off. I quickly get up and take a shower. I get dressed and then I start packing.

I'm happy that I get to stay with Camila, because she's like a second mom to me. But I'm also really sad, because I'll miss my mom and dad.

"Jill, are you ready?" I heard dad call from downstairs.

"Yep! Be down in a sec!" I yell.

I grab my bags and head downstairs.

The car ride is deathly silent so I put in my head phones.

Once we were almost there, my mom tapped my shoulder. I took out my headphones and looked at my parents.

"Jill baby, we love you so so so sooo much and we are going to really miss you" mom started.

"and we will totally go on a family vacation when we both get back from tour. So we want you to call both us of at least once a week. Or everyday...that's nice too. Oh, and no boys!" dad said.

I just laughed at his last comment.

"I love you guys too and I'll miss you both very much! And don't worry, I'll call you at least once a week, I promise" I reply.

We pull up Camila's driveway and I get out.

"Be good for Camila! Don't get into any trouble!" mom says as I grab my bags.

"I won't! Love you guys!" I say as they drive off.

I get to the door and find Camila already waiting for me there.

"Jill!" She screams as she pulls me into a hug.

She takes me on a tour of my house and shows me to my room.

She then goes to make dinner as I unpack.

I finally finish unpacking and go into the kitchen.

"Hey, you done already?" She asked.

"Yep" I reply.

"I have a question..." I start.

"Ok" she replied.

"So, um, what do I call you? Like Camila or Camz or mom or what? Like I just feel like I need to know what to call you" I say.

Camila's P.O.V.

She asked me what she should call me.

"Um well I don't know...wouldn't it be weird if you called me mom?" I ask.

"Well I guess kind of...but you pretty much will be my mom for about a year" she explained.

"Yeah that's me whatever you want to" I say.

"Um ok...I think I'd feel more comfortable here if I called you mom. If that's ok with you, of course" she says.

"I'm cool with that" I say.

We eat the pizza I made and watch Frozen.

Jill was sitting sideways on my lap and hugging onto my waist. Eventually she fell asleep.

I carried her up to her room and put her to bed. Then I decided to call Selena and explain our conversation earlier.

(C- Camila S- Selena)

S- hello?

C- hey Sel, it's Camila!

S- OMG is something wrong? Is Jill ok? Did she get in trouble?

C- haha Selena calm down, she's all good and no she didn't get in trouble...I just wanted to talk to you about something

S- ok...

*Camila explains to Selena, the conversation that her and Jill had about what to call her*

C- so I was just wondering what you felt about that?

S- if she wants to call you mom, I'm ok with that. She doesn't really have her mom around, so I'm proud to have such a great woman take care of my daughter. Thanks again for doing this for us Camila

C- oh it's no problem at all. she's a great kid!

S- well I have to go do a show so I'll talk to you again soon

C- ok bye!

After that, I decided to go to sleep.

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