Project: Building Schools

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Dinah's P.O.V.
Camila went to walk ahead with Jill while Lauren, Ally, Normani, and I stayed farther behind them.

"Lo Lo that was adorable, she called you Aunt Lauren" Normani said.

"I know it, I never thought that I'd have an adorable niece and it's all thanks to her mommy over here, Miss. Ally Brooke Hernandez" Lauren said.

"She is pretty amazing...oh, and Ally is too" I say, earning a playful slap in the arm from Ally.

When we finally catch up to Camila and Jill, we were at the building site.

A man came over an explained what we were going to be doing, but I couldn't really pay attention.

Normani and I were fangirling at how cute Ally and Jill's mother-daughter moment was.

Ally had her arms wrapped around Jill's waist with her chin resting on Jill's head.

And every so often Ally would kiss her forehead or cheek.

Once we were done fangirling, we were put to work...but Normani and I had to watch the others since we didn't pay attention at all.

Normani's P.O.V.
We worked hard all day and by the time we were done, we were so tired.

We still had to walk back to our "house" so we rested for a little before beginning to walk.

Some of us didn't walk though.

Jill fell asleep while we were resting and we didn't feel like waking her up and making her walk.

Lauren carried her, the other girls and I would give her a break sometimes and carry Jill for awhile, but she mainly carried her the whole time.

Ally didn't carry her, because she was so tired from both working and having to try and watch Jill every second.

Watching Jill is no easy task, let me tell ya. She's ALWAYS doing something. Good or bad, either way, she's going to be doing it.

By the time we got back, Camila was carrying a sleeping Jill and Lauren was carrying an exhausted Ally.

We all went with them to the room that Ally and Jill shared.

Lauren and Camila put Jill and Ally on the bed.

"Thanks so much girls. I don't know what I'd do without you" Ally said.

"No problem, get some sleep" Lauren said.

We were just about to leave when we all heard a soft voice.

"Aunt Camila? Aunt Normani? Aunt Dinah? Aunt Lauren?" we heard Jill say.

We all walk over to were she is laying.

"What's up baby girl?" Camila asked.

"I love you all so much. Aunt Lauren, thanks for mainly carrying me all the way here. Aunt Camila, thanks for being there for me when my parents went on their tours. Aunt Dinah, thanks for teaching me how to be captain of the Camren ship. Aunt Notmani, thanks for teaching me how to fangirl" Jill said.

"Awww" we all said.

"We love you too Jill" I said.

The other girls nodded their heads in agreement.

"And we will always be here for you" Dinah said.

"When your mom gets crazy over protective, call us" I said.

"When you have dating trouble, call us...but it's all good because you can't date until your 40" Camila said.

"Right, so you have learned something here...never call your Aunt Camila for dating advice" Lauren said.

Camila glared at Lauren an stuck her tongue out.

"Ok girls we better go get some sleep" Dinah says.

"Goodnight Jill, we love you" we all say before walking to our rooms and going to sleep.

----------------1 month later--------------
Jill's P.O.V.
Today is our last day in Africa and we don't have to work today.

In our visit, we have taught kids some games and been apart of building a school and two houses.

I'm proud of the work that we have done here.

I ran to the kitchen, only to find Camila eating some weird looking mixture of foods out of a big bowl.

"Whatcha doin' Aunt Camila?" I ask.

"I'm mixing random foods together to see if it tastes good"

"Well does it?"

"It needs more salt...can you hand me the salt?"

I nod and hand her the salt shaker.

"Jill baby??" I hear mom yell from upstairs.

"Yeah?" I yell back.

"Can you make sure Aunt Camila doesn't eat so much that she explodes?"


I turn to Camila.

"What are you going to do?" she asks.

"This" I say as I grab the bowl and run upstairs.

"AUNT LAUREN, HELP!!!!!" I scream as I run into her room.

"Nah I'm good" she replies.

So I run downstairs to the living room and see Normani andDinah sitting there on their phones.

"AUNT NORMANI! AUNT DINAH! HELP!" I scream as i run past the couch.

"Awww Jimila!!" they both say as they take pictures and videos of me running away from Camila.

I run back upstairs to the room my mom is in.

"MOM HELP ME" I say as I hide behind her.

"Camila, don't try to kill my daughter" mom says, in a calm voice.

"She took my food" Camila says.

"Do you really want your food that badly?" mom asks.

Camila nods and mom sighs.

"Jill, give the food back to her" she says.

So I walk over to Camila and hand her the bowl.

She thanks me and kisses my cheek.


"Jill, chill" Dinah says.

I laugh and sit in between her and Normani.

Next thing I know, I'm being awaken by Lauren.

"Come on Jumpy Jill, we have to get to the airport" she says.

We head to the airport and get on the plane. Next we have our tour and I'm so excited but also kind of nervous.

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