The dare

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Once we took some of my stuff to the tour bus, we headed to the airport.

Once we got there we found all of the other girls sitting by the gate.

There weren't any seats left so Camila had to stand, but luckily I am small so I sat on Ally's lap.

"Hey Ally?" I say as I look up at her.


"My mom said I had to listen to you so I guess your kind of in charge of me"

"Well I figured that would happen since I'm the oldest anyway"


"Well at least your easy to take care of. Your sweet, adorable, nice, polite, smart, and pretty cool"

"Thanks, you too"

We waited for about 10 more minutes until our flight was called.

Normani and Camila sat together. Dinah and Ally sat together. Lauren and I sat together.

The flight was going good and every so often I would fall asleep with my head on Lauren's shoulder.

Until I got really cold.

Lauren was listening to music so I kept on poking her arm until she took out her headphones.

"What's up girly?" she asked me.

"Do you have a sweatshirt I can borrow? I'm really cold" I asked.

"Nope sorry...maybe one of the other girls do. Do you want me to ask them?" Lauren asked.

"Yes please" I say while shivering.

Lauren's P.O.V.

I was to lazy to actually ask the other girls so I sent out a group message.

To: Camila, Normani, Dinah, Ally

Does anyone have a sweatshirt? Jill is really cold.

From: Lauren

To: Lauren

No sorry

From: Dinah, Camila, Ally

To: Lauren

I do...I'll bring it to you in a minute

From: Normani

"Hey Jill, Normani has one. She's bringing it to us" I say.

"Ok thanks" she says.

Normani brings the sweatshirt and Jill thanks her. The rest of the plane ride Jill sleeps on my shoulder.

Dinah's P.O.V.

After our plane landed we went to our hotel.

Lauren, Normani, and I shared a room while Ally, Camila, and Jill shared a room.

We went to the rooms and I laid down, I was so exhausted from the flight.

Camila's P.O.V.

We went to our rooms and there were two beds in our room.

"Ok, so either two of us share a bed or someone can sleep on the couch" Ally says.

"Two of us can sleep about we switch? Jill can be with me one night and with you the next night. Then we can repeat it." I suggest.

"Ok that's fine with me" Ally replies.

"I'm cool with that, but Ally gets me the first night!" Jill says.

"Sweetheart, you almost just sunk the Jimila ship" Ally says.

"I can't believe that you'd pick her over me, Jill" I say while fake crying.

"Oops...sorry, not sorry. I think I ship Jally more than Jimila" Jill said.

Ally stretched out her arms for a hug and said, "aww baby come here"

Jill went over and hugged her.

"Weirdos" I say before laying down on my bed.

"Camila I was just kidding, Jimila forever" Jill whisper/yelled to me.

"I heard that" Ally said.

"Well your like a mom to could I have a ship name with my mom, or even my dad? It would be Jarry if my dad & I had a ship name and it's ironic, but it would be Jelena if my mom & I had a ship name" Jill says.

"Hey guys, I'll make you a deal...if Ally acts like your mother and you act like her daughter for the whole trip (including the tour) I'll kiss a pig and give you each $30" I say.

"DEAL!" Jill shouts.

"Wait, are there any rules other then that we have to act like mother and daughter?" Ally asks.

I think about it for a minute.

"Well to make things more interesting, you have to treat her like she's a little kid. Also tell everyone she's your kid an only at the end of the dare, you can tell everyone it was a dare" I said to Ally.

"And have to call Ally, momma or mommy. You also have to sometimes call me and the other girls your aunts. Act like your a kid, too. Like whine about stuff occasionally" I say to Jill.

"Wait I don't know if my mom will like that...she might not like me calling someone else mom" Jill says.

"Hmm good point...I guess I could call your mom and ask her about it" I say.

"Yeah! Do it now!" Jill says.

"Ugh fine"

(C- Camila S- Selena)

S- hello?

C- hey Selena, it's Camila

S- oh hi! Is something wrong with Jill?

C- nope she's fine

S- oh...not to be rude or anything, but why did you call then?

-I explain the dare-

S- well if she really wants that $30 and for you to kiss a pig, I say it's ok

C- ok...we just wanted to ask you first since it could end up on the media and stuff

S- yep it's fine...well thanks for calling, tell Jill I said that I miss her and I love her

C- will do! have a goodnight!

S- thanks, you too

C-ok bye

S- goodbye

"Well???" Jill asked.

"She said it was fine" I reply.

"Ok well I guess I have a daughter now" Ally says.

Jill let's out a yawn.

She turns to Ally and says, "mommy, I'm tired"

"Ok baby, get ready for bed and then we can lay down" Ally says.

Jill goes into the bathroom to change into her pj's.

"Well it looks like I'm going to be kissing a pig and paying you both $30" I say to Ally.

Once we all got into bed, I turned off the lights.

"Goodnight to my sister Ally and my niece Jill" I say.

"Goodnight Aunt Camila, goodnight momma" Jill says.

"Goodnight my dear sister Camila, goodnight baby girl" Ally says.

After that we all fall asleep.

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