18th birthday

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Troy's P.O.V.

I woke up with my beautiful wife laying next to me.

I looked at the clock and it said 11:00



Well we have to get ready for the party anyway.

I shook my wife alittle bit and said, "Ally, honey you've got to get up"

Finally she sat up and looked at me.

"We missed church?" she asked.

"Yep" I reply.

"Ok...well let's go make breakfast and start decorating. OH and did you wrap the presents?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am" I say as I salute.

She giggles and then we both go downstairs to start making breakfast.

Camila's P.O.V.

Well apparently we aren't going to church this morning? I've been waiting in the living room for an hour and a half.

I woke up Lauren before coming to the living room, so now we are both sitting here watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

We heard someone coming downstairs and we saw Ally.

Soon after, we saw Troy come down.

"Good morning!" Ally says.

"Morning" Lauren and I mumble.

"We are going to make breakfast, will you both wake everyone else up?" Troy asked.

"Sure" we reply.

I went to wake up Jill while went to wake up Normani an Dinah.

Once everyone was up, we all ate breakfast and said happy birthday to Jill.

"So Jill, would you rather have your presents from us now or at the party?" Ally asked.

"Um I guess now" she replied.

Everyone nodded and went to go get their presents.

I ran upstairs to get mine.

Jill's P.O.V.

Everyone came back downstairs with presents.

We went to the living room and Camila said, "Open mine first!"

So I did, but I wasn't prepared for what I saw.

I opened the box to reveal a scrapbook.

I looked through it and it had pictures of our good deeds and the tour we went on together.

I got up and hugged Camila.

"Thank you so much! It's amazing, Aunt Camila" I said.

Then I opened Normani's present.

It was a framed picture of the girls and I. Plus there was another one of me and Cimorelli.

"Aunt Normani thank you so much!" I said as I hugged her.

I opened Dinah's and was amazed at what I saw.

A microphone so that I could record music on my laptop!

"HOLY CRAP, AUNT DINAH! THANK YOU" I scream while hugging her.

I opened Lauren's next.

I was surprised to see what was inside, it was a big framed picture...of Lauren.

Then at the bottom of the box I noticed a CD.

Written on it was, "play this at your 18th birthday party"

"Gee Aunt Lauren thanks for the big picture of you, I'll put it in my room" I said sarcastically as I hugged her.

She smirked and laughed.

"What's the CD though?" I ask.

"We'll watch it at your party" she said.

With that, I moved on to my parents presents.

In the first one there was a suitcase.

"You want me to move out?" I asked joking, while I acted offended.

"Open the other ones" dad said.

In the next one, was a new camera and sun tan lotion.

"Um ok thanks for the camera but what up with the lotion?" I ask.

"Open the last one" mom says.

They all watch me as I open it.

The present contained a piece of paper and a small box.

I opened the box and saw a locket necklace.

On one side was my mom and dad (Ally and Troy). On the other side was my real mom and my real stepdad (Selena and Harry).

"Wow! Thank you both so much!" I said.

"Read the note" dad said.

I started to read it and I started crying.

"Oh my gosh" I said.

Everyone was smiling.

"We're all going on a vacation to Hawaii as one big family?!" I say.

"Yep!" they all reply.

I get up and hug my parents then my aunts.

"Ok now go get ready for your party!" mom said.

"Ok!" I exclaim.

I run upstairs and put on my pink strapless dress with my white heels.

I curl my hair and do my makeup and one that's done, I got back downstairs.

"Wow" Camila and Lauren says as I walk down the stairs.

"What is it?" Dinah asked.

"Holy crap" she said once she saw me.

"What's going on?" Normani said coming into the living room.

Once she saw me, she stopped dead in her tracks.

"Oh my gosh" she said.

What the crap? Is that a good sign or a bad sign?

"Why is everyone saying hot crap and wow" mom said while dad and her walked into the room.

They also stopped and starred at me.

"Wow" dad said.

"You look gorgeous, sweetie!" mom exclaimed.

"Thanks...ya'll can stop starring at me now" I say.

They all mumble "sorry" and go upstairs to get ready for the party.

Mom, dad, and I were the only ones ready so we started putting food out.

Once everything was set up, guests started to arrive.

First was Little Mix and 4/5 of One Direction.

Then Austin, Demi, and Ellen.

The cast of The Real Housewives of New Jersey came.

Last but not least, my closest friends and Cimorelli came.

We were all partying until I remembered the CD Aunt Lauren gave me.

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